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Next Jolla Phone should have a CAMERA LENS COVER

asked 2014-09-26 14:03:26 +0200

updated 2014-09-26 14:07:24 +0200

Hi guys, using my jolla for the past 6 months (and using it A LOT) got me to the conclusion that a camera lens cover is absolutely necessary. Not only the polariser layer of the camera lens completely wore off giving a very blurry image at some point (until removing it completely) but also the lens always gets covered with dust or fingerprints and has to be cleaned before use.

Something like this would be a really great feature: http://www.letsgodigital.org/images/artikelen/13/sony-cybershot-k770.jpg

Here are several advantages of such a cover:

  • Open the camera app automatically when sliding the cover
  • Always clean and scratch-free camera lens
  • Privacy enhanced when not using the camera (I knowJolla is a secure phone but never know...)
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N900 is having a similar camera lens cover with the same or even better functionality. Sony's cover was indeed nice and thin, made from aluminium, which as we know these days it could bend and scratch the camera lens instead of protecting it (and I had that case). However, we do not need to wait for the next Jolla phone, it can be directly introduced to a new TOH now!

pmelas ( 2014-09-26 14:24:43 +0200 )edit

@pmelas - I had 2 Sony phones, and one N900, used them in total about 4 years! NONE of them got scratched from this cover, it was impossible actually by construction. Instead, my Jolla camera which has no cover got worse and started scratching after a short use, and still have to clean it every time I take a picture.

lhorga ( 2014-09-26 15:50:54 +0200 )edit
  • I don't think they should do this .. engineering resources and budget should all be put into making the next phone a generally higher quality and much less ergonomically & aesthetically impaired device. Besides, a camera cover would probably inflate people's expectations for the camera, and whilst the next one MUST be an improvement on the existing one, I doubt it will offer best in class performance.

    • As far as scratching is concerned, it's really not necessary.If a high quality toughened glass lens / lens cover is used, it's very unlikely to scratch, particularly if slightly recessed.The scratching of the current lens cover is a big issue because it's a fairly soft plastic with a coating that has extremely poor durability.
midnightoil ( 2014-09-26 20:55:57 +0200 )edit

@midnightoil - It's true that a better lens won't scratch that easily but then there's the dust and the prints that also impair the picture quality. Now let's say that putting a better lens with a polariser layer that does not come off after 3 monthswould be a great start.

lhorga ( 2014-09-26 23:13:40 +0200 )edit

just to confirm, that it is not necessarily a TOH task, but a basic design task. The outer layer of the back camera lens should be able to withstand normal use, the scratches and blurry images make it useless despite of being an important feature of the phone.

Cary Grant ( 2014-11-21 13:43:20 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-09-26 14:22:13 +0200

ApB gravatar image

updated 2014-09-26 14:22:42 +0200

This can be implemented even on the current phone with a TOH. And maybe use a switch on the lens cover to get the app started.

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I am am NOT against implementing this as a TOH - actually, I really believe this is the way to go, just that this feature should be standard on the TOHs shipped with the device. Why? Because JOLLA phone is already on the market for almost a year now and absolutely NO TOH other than the ones provided by Jolla are on sale for the general public.

So I believe that JOLLA should step up and equip their standard TOHs with this valuable feature. And this does not mean the TOH has to get thicker or the phone has to get thicker. I believe that it could be done in the current size form or if not, 1 mm more in the size of the TOH would not kill anyone.

If making the TOH thicker is a must for this feature, the Jolla 2 could be thinner by 1-2 mm than it is now, leaving more room for TOH functionalities. We have already seen TOH prototypes that add some thickness to the device and this is because the thickness of the TOH is to small and can not host too much electronics the way it is done now.

Making the next Jolla 2 phone thinner and the TOH thicker, does not affect backwards compatibility in any way. You could fit the old TOHs on a thinner phone as well.

lhorga ( 2014-09-26 15:54:13 +0200 )edit

@ApB yes, but it would be nice to have this by default

iuliuh ( 2014-09-26 15:54:55 +0200 )edit

@lhorga there are no jolla provided TOH but there are people 3d printing TOH. If you pay they can make you one.

ApB ( 2014-09-26 16:00:37 +0200 )edit

@ApB yes indeed, you can print it but the 3D print quality generally sucks and I wouldn't use one frankly speaking. Plus if there is no extra feature I don't see why I would bother printing if I can buy it for 20 EUR from JOLLA and have the great quality plastics...

Then there is the RFID patch that I am not sure where you can get it from in order to enable your 3D-printet thingie...

lhorga ( 2014-09-26 16:13:34 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-09-26 14:03:26 +0200

Seen: 866 times

Last updated: Sep 26 '14