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[feature-request] Ability to abort the backup process & enhance usability

asked 2014-10-06 15:11:03 +0200

Alex gravatar image

updated 2016-05-17 21:29:56 +0200

So I was unable to backup my gallery again due to not enough amount of metadata storage - while trying to make a backup including the gallery it will run for ever and you are unable to stop this process.

I also experienced that closing the settings app won't stop this process either - until your Jolla fully ran out of metadata storage. I also noticed a quite strange behaviour while accidentally making a backup including the gallery:

  • My Jolla's situation is: The internal memory uses about 8.5 GB to 10 GB most of the time & devid 1 (metadata) uses about 12GB to 13.6GB most of the time (I have to run the btrfs balancing operation at least once a week); I have about 1.2GB of Pictures taken with native camera and about 1 GB of videos on the internal memory
  1. So i opened Settings > System > Backup and clicked on 'create'
  2. My Jolla started to create the backup until it stoped at the gallery (as expected due to missing metadata storage...)
  3. I closed the settings app with the intention to kill the backup process
  4. After closing the settings app I tryed to open it again (several times) but I was unable to open the settings app - while clicking on the settings icon/pulley entry the UI switches to the homescreen and stays in this position all the time
  5. After waiting about half an hour I was able to open the settings app again
  6. A new backup file was created - but I don't know if it contains the gallery and also was created successfully (I deleted this backup directly). Update: If you reboot your device while at step 3 or 4 your Jolla won't create a new backup file BUT the space will be used on your emmc. You are only able to clear this space using the native Utilities app to delete all backup-data.

The interesting part is that I was checking my storage usage while my Jolla was creating this backup:

My storage usage before step 1. was:

    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 8.67GB
    devid    1 size 13.75GB used 12.12GB path /dev/mmcblk0p28

After checking it a few seconds later while beeing at step 2.:

    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 9.02GB
    devid    1 size 13.75GB used 12.12GB path /dev/mmcblk0p28

After further seconds:

    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 9.49GB
    devid    1 size 13.75GB used 13.12GB path /dev/mmcblk0p28

    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 9.96GB
    devid    1 size 13.75GB used 13.48GB path /dev/mmcblk0p28

So the storage usage was increasing all the time. After step 3. (I don't remember exactly if 9.96GB were reached before OR after closing the settings app) the storage usage droped out consitstantly:

    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 9.87GB
    devid    1 size 13.75GB used 13.48GB path /dev/mmcblk0p28

    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 9.68GB
    devid    1 size 13.75GB used 13.48GB path /dev/mmcblk0p28

    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 9.04GB
    devid    1 size 13.75GB used 13.48GB path /dev/mmcblk0p28

    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 8.84GB
    devid    1 size 13.75GB used 13.48GB path /dev/mmcblk0p28

After the dropout stopped I was able to launch the settings app again. Then I also checked

$ journalctl | grep settings

and got this output:

Sep 30 22:59:04 Jolla creen[2720]: [W] QQmlImportDatabase::importPlugin:1697 - Module 'com.jolla.email.settings.translations' does not contain a module identifier directive - it cannot be protected from external registrations.
Sep 30 22:59:56 Jolla [1432]: [D] SettingsModel::SettingsModel:15 - settingsmodel.cpp 15 Created SettingsModel instance
Sep 30 23:01:32 Jolla lipstick[976]: invoker: Invoking execution: '/usr/bin/jolla-settings'
Sep 30 23:01:45 Jolla lipstick[976]: invoker: Invoking execution: '/usr/bin/jolla-settings'
Sep 30 23:02:07 Jolla lipstick[976]: invoker: Invoking execution: '/usr/bin/jolla-settings'
Sep 30 23:07:31 Jolla lipstick[976]: invoker: Invoking execution: '/usr/bin/jolla-settings'
Sep 30 23:23:14 Jolla [3137]: [D] PluginRegistry::addEntriesForFile:83 - pluginregistry.cpp 83 parsing "jolla-settings-layout.json"
Sep 30 23:23:14 Jolla [3137]: [D] TreeItem::debugDump:205 - 0 "applications" QVariant(QString, "jolla-settings-layout.json")
Sep 30 23:23:14 Jolla [3137]: [D] TreeItem::debugDump:205 - 0 "system_settings" QVariant(QString, "jolla-settings-layout.json")
Sep 30 23:23:14 Jolla [3137]: [D] SettingsModel::SettingsModel:15 - settingsmodel.cpp 15 Created SettingsModel instance
Sep 30 23:23:14 Jolla [3137]: [W] QQmlImportDatabase::importPlugin:1697 - Module 'org.SfietKonstantin.settings.torch' does not contain a module identifier directive - it cannot be protected from external registrations.
Sep 30 23:23:36 Jolla [3137]: [D] SettingsModel::SettingsModel:15 - settingsmodel.cpp 15 Created SettingsModel instance

So there also should be a warning before creating a backup that your Jolla will run out of (meta-)data storage.

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I can identify to your issue bro, as I always have to untick galery when creating a backup or it will eventually fail after a while, and I do not understand the metadata storage issue as I mounted my home partition on my SDXC so it shouldn't be getting these space issues. Anyway good point made man

DameCENO ( 2016-05-20 18:55:59 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-10-06 18:32:35 +0200

chemist gravatar image

This is actually a bug, running out of metastorage should not be a user's problem - for backup stuff, it is FOSS thevault happy hacking (maintainer will be thrilled to merge any good enhancements!)

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Asked: 2014-10-06 15:11:03 +0200

Seen: 362 times

Last updated: May 17 '16