What about having profiles? [answered]
asked 2013-12-29 16:26:37 +0200

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How about having Symbian style profiles to control attributes?
- ringtone selection from different sources/media
- ring tonetype
- ring tone volume
- message tone selection
- keyboard sound and haptic response
- vibration
- email tone selection
- calls group that will alarm and call groups
- other topics that could used as profile attributes
Naturally with possibility to create user profiles and also with timer, which would restore the default profile as active profile.
See themes not just ambiences and the answers and comments in that thread.
pnuu ( 2013-12-29 16:55:48 +0200 )editIf the ambience will be lot more that's good news.
But at the moment it can influence to visual outlook only. Leving just "profiles" for audio control i.e. sounds on or sounds off just like Windows phone, Iphone and perhaps Android has.
But let's see what is coming next year..
Kari ( 2013-12-29 18:13:10 +0200 )edit