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[Release notes] Opt-in upgrade to software version / Uitukka [released]

asked 2014-10-22 18:55:51 +0200

bijjal gravatar image

updated 2017-10-02 22:34:48 +0200

olf gravatar image

Release date: 23.10.2014

Download size: ~300MB

Dear users,

We left for our summer break with the thought of migrating SailfishOS to Qt5.2 and bringing it to your devices during September. While we did manage to successfully upgrade to Qt5.2, it took quite long to stabilize the software stack. Now, after 13 internal release candidates, we believe that it is best to make this available to our developers and bleeding edge users instead of delaying it further.

Uitukka is an opt-in release, meaning you will not receive update notifications unless you willingly sign up to receive this OS update. Please read the following carefully before signing up, the instructions on how to sign up are available towards the end.

Why should you be careful to sign up?

  • You will not be able to rollback to update8 should you wish to.
  • The system's handling of out of memory (OOM) conditions still needs some work, meaning
    • The device can behave sluggishly when it is low in memory. This can cause annoyances during heavy daily use of your Jolla. A reboot makes things better, but we understand that this is not something our users want to do frequently.
    • Common tasks like answering calls, opening notifications, multitasking, switching between apps etc can take tens or hundreds of milliseconds to operate in low memory conditions. For a smooth operation, the OS needs to makes sure that the memory is never critically low.
    • Communication between Sailfish apps and background processes (daemons) can take longer when the system is swapping in low memory conditions. This is experienced as stutter in the UI and in extreme cases, it can freeze the UI completely.

Why should you consider signing up for this update?

  • This update does bring in many new features and a lot of bug fixes across the OS as indicated in the next section despite the afore mentioned performance issues in low memory conditions.
  • Developers will largely benefit from upgrading to this version as it will provide a chance to test their apps against Qt5.2 and the dialog changes communicated earlier. Corresponding SDK release will be available early next week.

Therefore, if you are a developer or a user willing to forgive performance hiccups, we welcome you to sign up for this opt-in release by sending an email to update9-opt-in@jolla.com. Make sure that the From-Address used is the one matching your Jolla account. The content of the email does not matter. After processing your email (which may take about 20 minutes), you should get an update notification and be able to install the release like any regular update.

What's new

  • New overlays for Maps - satellite, car (daylight mode), transit (public transport) and night mode
  • Quicker access to favorite places on Maps
  • Search for media, albums and artists in Media player via 'Search' pulley menu item in the different views
  • Finer control to enable/disable AGPS assistance for obtaining location fix via 'Faster position lock' option in Settings > System > Location
  • Automatically save draft emails on page exit
  • Accounts framework has undergone a fair amount of unification, making the account setup process more user friendly
    • Fruux, Memotoo and Yahoo! now available as separate provider accounts in the 'Add accounts' page.
  • Copy unsaved numbers from call log via context menu
  • CardDAV support for Fruux and Memotoo service providers (experimental)
  • Browser engine updated to Gecko 31 to improve compatibility with various web sites and improving scrolling performance
  • Kazakh keyboard layout now available
  • Perform general maintenance tasks such as cleaning up backup storage to free space, restarting network connectivity, android runtime etc via Sailfish Utilities app available in Jolla Store.
    • Once installed, you can access it via Settings > System > Utilities

UI interaction changes

  • Hierarchy indicator at the top left corner of the view replaced by a single indicator trailing off the edge of the view
  • In accounts settings view, changes made are immediately saved.
    • Previously, an explicit user action (pressing 'Accept') was required.
  • App dialogs are now visually separated from normal app pages by having accept and cancel buttons from the page area to a persistent header

Fetch the update

This is a huge update given that this brings in Qt5.2. Ensure that you have enough disk space before attempting to upgrade. More information on the possible upgrade issues and workarounds is available in the known issues section below.


  • Working Jolla account configured on your device
  • Charger connected
  • Device connected to WLAN or mobile data network
  • You have atleast 1.5GB of free disk space on your device

If you are unable to successfully configure the account, please visit account.jolla.com and try to reset your password.

Users running software version <

If your device is running software version lower than and have WareHouse app installed (i.e you are using OpenRepos), disable all openrepo repositories before attempting to upgrade your device. Else, you risk breaking the device. Read important-steps-to-do-before-updating and how-to-disable-openrepos-repositories posts for more information.

Update the software

If your Jolla is connected to internet, an OS update notification should pop up shortly. If you just can't wait, you can manually trigger an OS update check as follows:

  • Open Settings app
  • Go to System > Sailfish OS updates
  • Pull down the pulley menu and select 'Check for update'
  • Once an OS update notification is received, tap on it and follow the instructions.

Do not reboot the device while the OS update installation is in progress. The process takes up to 10 minutes. During the update, the device screen might blank out. You can awaken the display by a short press on the power key to monitor the progress. When the upgrade has completed successfully, you will see the LED light up red before the device restarts.

In rare circumstances, you may have to try a second time to get through the update successfully.

View detailed instructions at Zendesk.

Highlights of improvements

Memory handling

  • The low memory killer is now properly killing Android applications according to their set priority
  • In addition to that, certain thresholds for when memory killer should kick in has been added

Lock screen

  • Attempting to view events (via swipe-up gesture on the lock screen) while the device is locked now brings up the device lock keypad to allow unlocking the device

Events view

  • Notification icon handing improved to display a separate error icon if the intended icon could not be loaded for some reason


  • Checks for duplicate Twitter, Facebook and Google accounts before saving a newly configured account
    • Note: Duplication detection can be done only with newly created Facebook accounts. Therefore, if you have a Facebook account already configured prior to this release, it will not be checked as possible duplicate while creating a new Facebook account
  • Main accounts list now displays account description and username
    • Previously, it displayed account's provider and description
  • 'Add accounts' page now lists generic accounts separate from named providers (like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft Exchange)
  • Account setup flow now operates on single selection enabling users to setup one account at a time
    • Previously, it supported multi selection of accounts with each account having a different view/option, thus making the account setup flow complex
  • Easily sync Microsoft Exchange account via the context menu option on account list view or via the pulley menu item in the Exchange account settings view
  • Google account setup view now indicates to the user that Mail app is required to use Gmail
  • Configured Jolla account cannot be disabled anymore
  • Sync options under Google and Microsoft Exchange accounts are now listed in the same order
  • Disabling touch screen vibration no longer disables call vibration
  • Changing developer mode password shows up lock code dialog and asks for entering the lock code
  • Enabling Remote connection (SSH) in developer mode no longer requires a reboot for it to work



  • Easily copy unsaved number from call log via 'Copy' context menu option
    • Note: this option is only available for unsaved numbers
  • DTMF tones are now played at 50% of the max volume. While on a voice call, it follows the voice call volume.
  • Changing a call barring option now displays a more coherant message "Enter a call barring code" (was previously "Enter PIN code")
  • Disable all call barring settings in one go via the 'Disable all' pulley menu option
  • Display close icon on keyboard enter key on empty call forwarding fields
  • Emergency calls are now made to the GSM standard number 112 unless the user has dialled a different number. The GSM network will route the call as required in each country (where local emergency numbers are in use).


  • The list of saved networks are now sorted by last seen. Currently connected AP is always listed at the top of the saved networks list
  • While on roaming, the operator name is now displayed under mobile data settings.
  • When internet sharing option is enabled, you can no longer edit it's settings.
  • Internet sharing settings now restricts network name/password in UI to 32 octets as per the IEEE standards
  • Fix to WLAN disconnect issue while roaming due to RSN IE mismatch (Robust Secure Network Information Element)
  • Maximum transmission unit (MTU) of Internet interface for mobile data was downsized to 1280 bytes as some networks do not support big MTU's but drop them. This change may help in cases where mobile data connection does not work reliably or at all.
  • 'Problem with connection' error banners now display connection type icon to indicate the type of connection having issues


  • Expands the background fill on the last row of the alphabetical grid to improve visuals
  • Allows contact to be saved with only company name (previously mandated either first/last name or nickname)
  • Improves link/unlink behaviour w.r.t remorse timers
  • Keyboard now automatically hides when the list of search results is scrolled


  • Phone no longer shuts down when connected to the charger while hitting the shutdown limit (0-2%)
  • When the phone is off and the battery is nearly empty (0-2%), connecting the charger now displays the battery percentage in red and provides vibra feedback when the user tries to power on the device by pressing the power key
  • Smoother bootup animations when the device boots up from act dead mode


  • Improved address search from People app using geocoder


  • Improved landscape view of received MMS

First time user experience

  • Additional hints added to accounts settings, figure out where else
  • Simplified startup wizard flow


  • Characters ž (U+017E) and Ž (U+017D) added in the pop-up of character "z" in the Finnish keyboard layout
  • With pinyin input, spacebar now accepts the first candidate only if the user has started writing a new word
    • Previously, spacebar always accepted the first candidate


  • Email composer view now displays bottom-up pulley menu only when the user has typed in a lot of content in the message body
  • Fixes issue where sending an image via email lost the file extension of the image
  • Fixes issue where thunderbird mail client on desktop did not display notes shared via email from Jolla phone

UI components

  • People picker now has search field always visible
  • Updates signal strength status icons
  • Updates duration label to m:ss for <10 min and mm:ss for >10 min
  • New detail item component available for detail and value label pair
  • Allows re-opening keyboard when tapping already focused text field
  • Allow count-specific localization of component picker multi-selection title
  • Fixes issue where slider component handle disappears and cannot get activated again
  • Unifies button and list item press effects across SailfishOS apps


  • Displays attendee information in event details view
  • Fixes the issue of a calendar event going to the next day when creating it after 23:00

Android runtime

  • Adds network provider support for GPS service
  • Sending a mail from android apps now passes email parameters such as subject, body etc to the native mail application
  • Improves handling out of memory conditions
  • Timezone in Android apps now follows the native settings
  • openssl upgraded to version 1.0.1h
  • Fixes CVE-2014-3100 vulnerability

Known issues

OS update process

  • Currently, checks on available disk space happens very late during the OS upgrade process and will fail in the installation phase if the disk space is low. No error notification is triggered at this point, instead, the installation phase finishes almost immediately and the device reboots. Should this happen, free some disk space and try to install the OS update again.
  • OS update may fail due to some other reasons too, for example it may have installed some packages from the new release and still have something left from the old. If the device can boot up, you can try to recover by doing the following. If not, you can attempt to recover the device using the recovery mode.
    • Delete the file /home/nemo/.cache/store-client/os-info
    • Stop the store-client process (for e.g. pkill store-client)
    • Reopen Settings app, check for updates again and attempt to install the OS update again
  • We have also noted that if the OS update is attempted while there is long queue of installation of apps from the Store, the system may end up in mixes state (for e.g. select all the apps from startup wizard, and start the system update already while the apps are being installed).
    • In such cases, the OS update appears to be stalled, however it is just waiting for the installations to complete before attempting to upgrade the OS. Just wait patiently, the worst thing to do here is to reboot the device!


  • calDAV and cardDAV services are in experimental stage. You may face issues with certain service providers, in which case, please report it in t.j.c. We'll take a look and try to sort it out.
  • Device can get sluggish when it runs out of memory. In such cases, close your open apps to recover from the situation.
  • At times, the presence status is as displayed offline even though the accounts are online. In such situations, the UI does not allow the status to be changed to online again.
  • Occasionally, certain hidden WiFi networks may not be displayed in scanned results.
  • Mobile data counters do not display correct values while on roaming.
  • It may take several seconds before recent contacts list is displayed in People app.
  • Photos and videos deleted from Gallery may still remain visible in the Camera roll.

Highlights of bug fixes

  • [BUG] 'Phone' log has the option to copy private numbers, but it actually doesn't copy anything
  • [BUG] /proc/lastlog/kmsg is not readable
  • [BUG] Account settings are lost if Settings app is closed without back-swiping from settings page
  • [BUG] Account settings pages are missing "Sync" pulley menu entry
  • [BUG] Account sync schedules and services should be initially disabled unless enabled by the user
  • [BUG] Account sync schedules are not restored after backup+restore
  • [BUG] Accounts: Logical string seen on the Add an account-page
  • [BUG] After boot returning from Events view fades to black
  • [BUG] Allow contact with only company name to be saved
  • [BUG] Ambience profile inherits sounds on/off settings from General profile and they can't be overwritten
  • [BUG] Android app cover is hidden in small cover mode
  • [BUG] Android KeyStore Stack Buffer Overflow CVE-2014-3100
  • [BUG] application folder name is not shown when re-arranging application icons on homescreen
  • [BUG] Application window can appear before peek animation is complete when launched
  • [BUG] Artist filtered Albums in Mediaplayer doesn't show correct information when they hold songs from various artists
  • [BUG] Autoblanking times after end-of-call are incorrect
  • [BUG] Backstepping while the account is in "setting up account" state cancels the creation of the account and creates a mess
  • [BUG] Backup of People resulting in red dot
  • [BUG] Battery resistance test says "Takes 30 samples" but under that reads "Samples: 31" after test ends
  • [BUG] Bluetooth incoming file confirmation dialog is not displayed when receiving an incoming file from an unpaired device
  • [BUG] bluez-test tools are broken
  • [BUG] Browser video streaming doesn't work for 3HK
  • [BUG] Calculator crashes randomly
  • [BUG] CalDav got disabled after updating device
  • [BUG] CalDAV sync content setting cannot be set to Manually
  • [BUG] Calendar alarm should not be displayed while incoming call alerting
  • [BUG] Calendar hangs on opening
  • [BUG] Call Barring: "Disable all" option is missing from call settings
  • [BUG] Call duration/start time in ongoing call shows wrong (old) time
  • [BUG] call eglSwapInterval at the right time.
  • [BUG] Camera app freezing after delete last photo in memory
  • [BUG] Camera resolutions are hardcoded in settings page
  • [BUG] Camera settings strings get wrapped inside words for finnish
  • [BUG] Can not fix wrong number in call history
  • [BUG] Can't access favourited ambiences from Home screen
  • [BUG] Can't create 'Twitter' account from Setting if the 'Time' is set incorrectly
  • [BUG] Can't delete any account using pulley menu from it's settings page
  • [BUG] Cannot open email server settings after misconfiguring SMTP server
  • [BUG] Cannot set signature, sync schedule or name for Google account
  • [BUG] Changing the SSID/Password while "Internet Sharing" is enabled is possible and doesn't do anything
  • [BUG] Changing volume stops the temporarily disabled dynamic orientation
  • [BUG] Check if configured USB network interface exists
  • [BUG] Choosing "Select photos" while remorse timer is active for deleting image freezes Gallery app
  • [BUG] Clear playlist is missing remorse timer
  • [BUG] closing and relaunching messages comes back to exactly same state
  • [BUG] Closing Android app with top swipe behaves badly
  • [BUG] Compositor loses track of windows when opening apps quickly
  • [BUG] connman does not always detect networking having a captive portal
  • [BUG] Contacts with duplicated email addresses show duplicates when composing email
  • [BUG] Cover is interactive while system ui is bringing it to foreground
  • [BUG] Cover window is missing when the app window is shown for the third time
  • [BUG] Crash in eglQueryString when using hybris textures
  • [BUG] crash in wayland-client. "file descriptor is invalid"
  • [BUG] Creating a backup takes a lot of time and freezes jolla-settings
  • [BUG] Creating an event around midnight doesnt work correctly
  • [BUG] creating event after 23:00 defaults to following date that was active on date picker
  • [BUG] Creating more playlists is unnecessarily complicated
  • [BUG] Dark gradient behind cover action icons
  • [BUG] Default sorting in Drafts, Outbox and Sent folders in Mail
  • [BUG] Deleting user entered proxy setting value deletes also the settings title from the UI
  • [BUG] DevMode screen should ask current password (and/or devicelock code) when user tries to change password
  • [BUG] Disabling wlan network and starting to search another makes the connectivity UI disappear
  • [BUG] Display an error when sign in to Google account fails due to incorrect system time
  • [BUG] Display sometimes flickers to black when opening applications
  • [BUG] Display state filtering can lead to transient states getting applied as target state
  • [BUG] draft email is sent via default mail account instead of the account it was created
  • [BUG] Dropping a dragged icon exits launcher edit/housekeeping mode
  • [BUG] Dsme logs wrong suspicious thermal readings
  • [BUG] E-mail > Singular vs Plural issue when adding attachments
  • [BUG] E-Mail: Drafts are not deleted when selecting "discard" option from pulley menu
  • [BUG] E.164 phone numbers are wrongly suppressed when matching in their last 8 digits
  • [BUG] Email opened from Events view(notification) doesn't look as it should
  • [BUG] Email schedule is not enabled by default
  • [BUG] Email signature is not shown in special conditions
  • [BUG] Empty Gallery cover is missing glass background
  • [BUG] Empty Pulley menu while checking the updates
  • [BUG] Error while playing the video in Qt5 Intro by Digia
  • [BUG] Event edit dialog lacks scroll bar and padding at the end
  • [BUG] Events view is not rotating when phone orientation changes
  • [BUG] Facebook account page is empty
  • [BUG] Favourite ambiences page isn't accessible when swiping in lock screen (despite info provided in Gallery)
  • [BUG] Finally, events view background fill
  • [BUG] Fix "Cancel" translation ID for MMS message context menu
  • [BUG] Gallery creates thumbnails for all images and video on startup
  • [BUG] Ghost events seen after deleting facebook
  • [BUG] Google account cannot sign on with dirty webview cache
  • [BUG] Google settings lost 'Sync' part after account creation + Presence for the account shown as grey though enabled
  • [BUG] google, facebook, twitter accounts settings getting reset
  • [BUG] Hard to enter space when writing Chinese with Pinyin keyboard
  • [BUG] Icons are too small in account creation pages
  • [BUG] If on first try updating account credentials was cancelled, then you can login only from second attempt.
  • [BUG] In app housekeeping mode the icon can lag far behind the drag
  • [BUG] In Mediaplayer, the music sorting is not case insensitive in any view
  • [BUG] In-call Dialer flickers on first call after reboot
  • [BUG] Incomplete signature parsing during boot image authentication leads to signature forgery (CVE-2014-0973)
  • [BUG] Inconsistency in Settings labels
  • [BUG] Input SS string (*04888888888888#) in Phone application, it should show Incorrect PIN.
  • [BUG] Internet Sharing UI allows settings of SSID longer than 32 octets
  • [BUG] Jolla camera overwrites images.
  • [BUG] jolla-mediaplayer-openfile.desktop: warning: key "MimeType" is a list and does not have a semicolon as trailing character, fixing
  • [BUG] jolla-settings-accounts update-sync-services oneshot fails
  • [BUG] kernel BUG at drivers/gpu/ion/ion.c:505!
  • [BUG] Kernel NULL pointer at send_to_group
  • [BUG] Keyboard hides search results in Maps
  • [BUG] Keyboard reports active area incorrectly if editor is in focus when lipstick starts.
  • [BUG] Language setting not saved for a new Jolla account
  • [BUG] Large font when switch to Russian
  • [BUG] Launch animation breaks if application takes long time to start
  • [BUG] Link contact cancels unlinking while remorse timer is going
  • [BUG] lipstick (hwcomposer) use-after-free error
  • [BUG] lipstick-jolla-home produces an empty ts-devel
  • [BUG] ListView hangs inside incubator code during browsing
  • [BUG] Loading date picker dialog in Calendar sometimes doesn't render all calendar grids as expected
  • [BUG] Lock screen pulley menu shortcuts broken when device lock is on
  • [BUG] Lockscreen could not be unlocked, but it was possible to access Ambience switcher
  • [BUG] LTE (4G) CSFB issues in Saunalahti (Elisa) network
  • [BUG] Mail app seems to change file name (and possibly content) of vcard when sharing it from Jolla.
  • [BUG] Making an update together with backup action doesn't create any backup
  • [BUG] Maps app is not included on retail demo images
  • [BUG] Maps startup doesn't scale to many favorites, recent and saved places
  • [BUG] MCE does not allow configuring power key and display off request behavior separately
  • [BUG] MCE does not use previous brightness value when off/on in dark environment
  • [BUG] MCE spams journal if custom led patterns are installed
  • [BUG] Media app retrieves artists and albums very slowly
  • [BUG] Media Player: Playlists is the only option on a newly flashed device without SD card.
  • [BUG] Missing call ui
  • [BUG] Missing character in pop-up of Finnish keyboard layout
  • [BUG] MMS landscape layout
  • [BUG] mobile data settings does not show operator name at bottom when roaming
  • [BUG] Mobile network settings stuck in "retrieving settings"
  • [BUG] Network icon on home screen has a much smaller "G"
  • [BUG] New dialog header design leaves very little space for content in landscape
  • [BUG] Newly created accounts with disabled services remain in "defining account" state forever
  • [BUG] NFC test should be more informative
  • [BUG] No remorse timer or other way to recover mail after unwanted discard
  • [BUG] Not possible to sync content manually for Google account
  • [BUG] Numeric facebook ID is used to represent facebook accounts
  • [BUG] One app folder is suddenly moved as a sub-folder to another app folder
  • [BUG] Open VKB in app folder does not fade out while peeking
  • [BUG] Opened Android app fails to come to foreground
  • [BUG] Opening subpage in page with attached page the page stack indicator flickers
  • [BUG] Opening VCARD attachment fails
  • [BUG] Overlapping strings in contact address editing
  • [BUG] PageHeader isn't truncated on top page, jumps on subpages during transition
  • [BUG] PageStack.push() does not return the page instance
  • [BUG] Peak and off-peak settings are not correctly saved when manual is selected (ActiveSync plugin)
  • [BUG] Peeking does not work as expected with Android applications
  • [BUG] People application - The ‘Read more’ link for iPhone import instructions does not work.
  • [BUG] Photos taken with Camera are missing titles
  • [BUG] Pictures taken with camera are not viewed in full screen
  • [BUG] PIN code is requested when changing call barring settings
  • [BUG] PIN code query page transitions are not correct in startup sequence
  • [BUG] Playlists view is not displayed until Media app is restarted when all playlists are deleted
  • [BUG] Pre-filled emergency number incorrect
  • [BUG] Propose randomly selected folder icons when creating new app folder
  • [BUG] Proxy address is flickering or lost after saving
  • [BUG] Pushing page on PageStack using an absolute path fails
  • [BUG] putting the device in flight mode causes "VOS ASSERT in hdd_enter_standby Line 259"
  • [BUG] My FB feed is not updated automatically nor manually
  • [BUG] reduce times when pkcon spits "This request will break your system!"
  • [BUG] Removing a contact detail produces a QML engine error
  • [BUG] Removing desktop bookmark fails if there are special chars in title of web page
  • [BUG] Restoring accounts can cause disabled sync services to become enabled
  • [BUG] Restoring backup breaks accounts-settings
  • [BUG] Retail demo images lack default ambience
  • [BUG] sailfish-office should not have a build-time dependency on qtquick1
  • [BUG] screen is dimmed upon startup
  • [BUG] Search in Media player makes weird noise when no media in device
  • [BUG] Search/fast-forward slider does not work on u8rc7 with newly shot videos until rebooted
  • [BUG] security code does not come up if you long-press the screen while booting
  • [BUG] Security mode: Unable to edit / wrong color for item
  • [BUG] Sending an picture from MMS via email has no file type in the image
  • [BUG] Several tries needed for device to boot
  • [BUG] Should be possible to turn DTMF tones off
  • [BUG] Shutter key location picker opens on top of shooting options menu
  • [BUG] Side swipes do not work many times in the email viewer
  • [BUG] Silica has wrong dependecies
  • [BUG] silica-qt5 fails to build with qt5.1
  • [BUG] SIM ATK: Fail on GCF LAUNCH BROWSER seq 1.1 (LAUNCH BROWSER, connect to the default URL)
  • [BUG] SIM ATK: LAUNCH BROWSER should support urls without a scheme
  • [BUG] Slider component can cause divide-by-zero fault
  • [BUG] Sliding panel in the bottom of Media app doesn't appear when choosing a track from 'All Songs'
  • [BUG] SocialMediaFeedItem.qml causes binding loop warning with Qt5.2
  • [BUG] Some ambiguities in lipstick qml imports
  • [BUG] Some type of text looks greenish, doesn't matter which jolla ambience is used.
  • [BUG] Sometimes the keyboard switches between languages without long press on spacebar
  • [BUG] Sound from video playback is heard when Camera app is pushed to Home screen
  • [BUG] Start Up wizard gets stuck if the user starts flicking before the written screen tip appears
  • [BUG] Store app details page shows no status text for updatable apps
  • [BUG] Store client should not reboot device if update fails but it should report error to user
  • [BUG] Store does not work correctly without apkd
  • [BUG] Street number confuses address resolving when searching
  • [BUG] Sync settings are not saved for existent generic email accounts
  • [BUG] System dialogs and popups can appear during the shutdown animation
  • [BUG] system ui shown in the middle of the screen in inverted portrait
  • [BUG] Taobao Android app crashes on startup
  • [BUG] Tapping lock screen call widget doesn't open call window
  • [BUG] Text with words including dot in the middle all recognized as urls in messaging
  • [BUG] The empty space on the last row of the group picker grid is ugly
  • [BUG] The view is reset to the focused text field after scrolling up slowly
  • [BUG] There is no seek bar while in split view in portrait orientation
  • [BUG] Time zone in alien is not according to sailfish settings
  • [BUG] Transfer from ACTDEAD to USER should not be allowed if battery level is < 2%
  • [BUG] Twitter: Not getting the notification to update credentials when pw changed and access revoked via web interface (
  • [BUG] Two identical phone number details cause the call log think the called contact has multiple numbers
  • [BUG] Typing correct password to WLAN connection gets saved while choosing different WLAN connection
  • [BUG] unable to remove facebook calendar events
  • [BUG] USB connection dialog options are all on 1 line and truncated for Russian
  • [BUG] User can create as many accounts with the same username/account_type as he wants
  • [BUG] User should not be able to disable Jolla account
  • [BUG] Valgrind warnings from eglgralloctexture
  • [BUG] Vibration on calls are disabled as well when touch screen vibration is disabled
  • [BUG] Video capture broken in Android apps
  • [BUG] Videos in camera roll are not shown in correct orientation
  • [BUG] Virtual keyboard is sometimes displayed after closing an account settings page
  • [BUG] Volume bar can show mute during a call even though call volume cannot be muted with volume keys
  • [BUG] VR Mobile app only sometimes starts up
  • [BUG] We should send two part language code for Chinese languages when creating a Jolla account
  • [BUG] When account is not signed in user can't identify it
  • [BUG] When device goes out of mobile network coverage while doing internet sharing the sharing indicator disappears
  • [BUG] When ignoring MT call with "send message"-feature messages-app will not get focus after entering device lock
  • [BUG] When in landscape mode, triggering clean all notifications in Events view has a portrait remorse
  • [BUG] When sharing note from Notes application with e-mail, thunderbird isn't showing the attachment
  • [BUG] While doing android application updates from google play an icon without text or icon appeared to my homescreen
  • [BUG] WLAN in half-enabled state and mobile data in disabled state
  • [BUG] wlan settings page should acknowledge tethering status
  • [BUG] Wrong text on Russian keyboard layout
  • [BUG] xt9 packages should not get pulled in by the common device-independent patterns
  • [BUG] You cannot re-open keyboard by tapping already focused text field
  • [BUG] You shouldn't be able to make a second call to the same number as the ongoing call
  • [BUG] PBAP phonebook contact containing a PHOTO is encoded strangely for vCard 2.1 format
  • [BUG] Time to load recent contacts is humongous
  • [BUG] system_server crashes often
  • [BUG] Error while playing the video in Qt5 Intro Android app by Digia
  • [BUG] Netflix's volume control affects all android applications
  • [BUG] Peeking does not work as expected with Android applications
  • [BUG] Android app cover is hidden in small cover mode
  • [BUG] Taobao Android app crashes on startup
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The question has been closed for the following reason "released in a software update" by olf
close date 2017-11-10 20:18:41.431348



Once again LOADS of changes! thank you, opted-in already :)

cquence ( 2014-10-22 19:03:11 +0200 )edit

so when this is tested and refined, will it be available to all as a stable one (after removing the glitches)? or the only way to get this one is now as opt-in?

gsalone ( 2014-10-22 19:21:28 +0200 )edit

@gsalone, this one will continue to remain as an opt-in release. We are continuing to refine this and hope to provide the next update as a stable release to all.

bijjal ( 2014-10-22 19:27:30 +0200 )edit

ok thank you for the clarification! then i can only say stabilize it as soon as possible :)

gsalone ( 2014-10-22 19:29:11 +0200 )edit

Thanks, I've opted in as I don't usually have too many things running that I would be running out of memory. Looking forward to it!

nthn ( 2014-10-22 19:36:23 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-10-23 14:52:06 +0200

bijjal gravatar image

We are working at the moment to release the fix to connman on update9 as this is quite urgent. The next stable release will be update10 where we hope to release it to all.

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We love that kind of info, thanks for that!

Sthocs ( 2014-10-23 14:57:14 +0200 )edit

so is update 10 stable update 9 with a few extra bits, or is update 10 still update 10?

midnightoil ( 2014-10-23 15:17:49 +0200 )edit

What about updating without internet connection, when you release update10? my systemctl status connman -l on http://paste.fedoraproject.org/144587/07422614

Ruben De Smet ( 2014-10-23 17:24:16 +0200 )edit

Great!! Thank you for your effort!!

carmenfdezb ( 2014-10-23 18:18:01 +0200 )edit


Update 10 will be a stabilized Update 9 or it will include more features??

ApB ( 2014-10-23 18:53:30 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2014-10-22 18:55:51 +0200

Seen: 60,220 times

Last updated: Oct 02 '17