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1 Uitukka - Cannot create any POP mail accounts [answered]

asked 2014-10-24 01:59:26 +0200

Spam Hunter gravatar image

updated 2015-02-27 11:58:00 +0200

EDIT1: REMOVED DETAILS FOR TISCALI - My Tiscali email incoming and outgoing mail servers are now both working, same details used as yesterday, go figure!!

EDIT2; All 4 of my mail accounts are now working, I have no idea what's changed, I didn't do anything different than before. Thanks to VDVsx and caprico and j-dog for joining in, CASE CLOSED.

Every time I try to create a POP email account, It results in the same outcome;

Problem with configuration, could not create account, go back to connect your incoming mail server settings, or skip now and add this account later

I know that the POP and SMTP server addresses are correct, including TLS/SLS, Server Ports, etc.

My OS update to was installed after a full recovery, which reverted the phone back to OS

I have uninstalled the Mail app, rebooted and installed again, only to be met with the same problem. I had 4 mail accounts running smoothly on OS prior to updating, now I cannot get any of them to configure at all.

I also tried automatic set up with several of my email accounts, but each try resulted in creating an IMAP account, no good, all mine are POP.


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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by Spam Hunter
close date 2014-10-24 14:44:21.144031


not an answer, but maybe a workaround: Put up these mailboxes during earlier version ( before upgrading to the latest?

simo ( 2014-10-24 02:50:04 +0200 )edit

I see what you're saying simo. I had pondered if I should install anything prior to updating, which I didn't . Went straight to upgrade thinking that a clean recovery with nothing added would be ultimate really. I'm not desperate to sort it, I mainly rely on my PC for email, but it would be nice get it sorted and find out why. Regards,

Spam Hunter ( 2014-10-24 03:08:22 +0200 )edit

@Markkyboy - No the dots are always the same number they don't represent the password actual size for security reasons, can you take logs while creating these accounts ? Before start the setup enable logging and reboot the device:



enable file log and add a path for the log, like for example:


Reboot the device and reproduce the problem, send me the log file to mail-logs at jolla dot com. After that turn file log off again by setting "enabled" to 0.Thanks a lot!

VDVsx ( 2014-10-27 13:58:34 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-10-24 09:04:50 +0200

VDVsx gravatar image

@Markkyboy - Just tried and could configure all my POP3 accounts, the error above is related to the settings, means that the phone can't connect to the server. Is this for any big email provider ? What settings are you using ?

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@Markkyboy - Just tested it with POP and POP3 setup. Works well for me. Like @VDVsx said - if you could provide more information I'm sure we can find a solution :-)

molan ( 2014-10-24 11:16:07 +0200 )edit

@Markkyboy - According to GMX's Help page, when you set up the email as POP3 you need to have outgoing server secured as STARTTLS. For me doing so allowed adding the account to my update 9 phone.

Sadly I can't test tiscali.co.uk, or at least I couldn't find any way to do so.

j-dog ( 2014-10-24 14:17:07 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2014-10-24 01:59:26 +0200

Seen: 408 times

Last updated: Oct 24 '14