innovation or weirdness [not a question]

asked 2014-10-29 15:09:23 +0200

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updated 2015-01-13 09:51:31 +0200

eric gravatar image

innovation and weirdness are the "Same approach" where innovation is praised and weirdness is not...

with my little understanding and little experience... [Only on UI/UX perspective]

iOS is considered as innovation as it is received well by everyone as it had no equivalent competition - New UI - New Navigation - New layout of screens

Android came and mimicked iOS UI/UX [extremely flexible] - Slightly different UI - Slightly different Navigation - Slightly different layout of screens

WebOS came [conceptually unique] [FAILED] - drastically different UI - drastically different Navigation - drastically different layout of screens

Microsoft too launched KIN [conceptually flawed] [FAILED] - drastically different UI - drastically different Navigation - drastically different layout of screens

Blacberry OS also launched [stubborn] [FAILED] - slightly different UI - drastically different Navigation - moderately different layout of screens

Microsoft launched Windows phone 7 [flexible] FAILED - drastically different UI - drastically different Navigation - drastically different layout of screens

Microsoft evolved windows phone 7.8 [flexible] FAILED - moderately different UI - moderately different Navigation - drastically different layout of screens

Microsoft evolved windows phone 8.1 [flexible] [FAILED] - moderately different UI - slightly different Navigation - moderately different layout of screens

Jolla Sailfish [flexible to change UI/UX or Unsure] - moderately different UI - drastically different Navigation - moderately different layout of screens

i see that the OS which had "drastically different navigation" is not received well by the consumers

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The question has been closed for the following reason "not a real question" by nthn
close date 2014-10-29 16:55:14.420682


Re: Sailfish, I think the reason it has not been well received is that it's much less intuitive and UI paradigms are much less consistent than Meego which went before it. It's also generally more prone to freeze and stutter.

midnightoil ( 2014-10-29 15:14:27 +0200 )edit

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. But there's two fundamental flaws in your statement - or in what I think is your statement:

You assume conumers know the iPhone UX and compare other phones to the iPhone UI. Given the low market share of iOS, it's obvious that this cannot be true. The vast majority of consumers doesn't know how an iPhone really works in day to day use. They may have tried it once or twice, but that's about it.

Also, your timeline starts with the iPhone, which is about 7 years off.

ossi1967 ( 2014-10-29 15:32:43 +0200 )edit

OT: Speaking of Blackberry, have you noticed the home screen of Blackberry Passport? Looks quite familiar :)

tokaru ( 2014-10-29 15:36:27 +0200 )edit

comparing the similarities and difference of all these platforms in user experience perspective

iphone action bar = yes icons = yes homescreen = no multi desktop = yes hardware navigation = yes [1 button] navigation similarity with other platforms = 80% Gesture driven = 40%

android action bar = yes icons = yes homescreen = yes multiple desktop = yes hardware navigation = yes [3 button] navigation similarity with other platforms = 80% Gesture driven = 30%

windows action bar = yes icons = no[tiles] homescreen = yes multiple desktop = no hardware navigation = yes [3 button] navigation similarity with other platforms = 50% Gesture driven = 40%

blackberry action bar = yes icons = yes homescreen = yes multiple desktop = yes hardware navigation = no navigation similarity with other platforms = 50% Gesture driven = 70%

jolla action bar = no icons = yes homescreen = yes multiple desktop = no hardware navigation = no navigation similarity with other platforms = 50% Gesture driven = 90%

JOLLA IS HARD TO USE, HARD TO NAVIGATE, HARD TO GET THINGS DONE Day 1 its "a wow thing" Day 10 its "not an easy thing" Day 30 its "frustrating"

a simple addition of more similar features from other platforms will do great things for jolla 1.adding action bar in the bottom 2.adding swipe down notification center or something new like nokia fastlane 3.adding folders in home screen or some grouping of icons options 4.adding adding more screens or tabs in desktop

tomakali ( 2014-10-29 16:18:52 +0200 )edit

not sure I agree with all that you say, but I do think the lack of a global status bar is both an inconvenience for experienced users and a potential dealbreaker for inexperienced users

midnightoil ( 2014-10-29 16:36:13 +0200 )edit