Will Jolla support the Kickstarter project TOHKBD? [answered]
Dirk did a great job with his first TOHKBD project and now plans to create a second revision.
As probably almost everbody knows, he will start a kickstarter campaign (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2028347278/1944172417?token=02e2365d). Just today I saw that he added an option to pledge EUR 2500,- or more (limited for 1 backers only). This hero edition option would (quoting from the project site) "upgrade everyone to get custom colouring and upgrade everyone that had that already to signature!"
So my question is: wouldn't that be a great chance for Jolla to support him and also make all other backers happy by upgrading their TOHKBDs?
Or does Jolla already support him anyway?
I believe that in one of his earlier videos re TOHKBD2, Dirk thanked Jolla for their support with his project... I doubt it was financial, but usually the things that money can't buy are more important, anyway.
I'm a little unsure what I should wish for. Of course Jolla paying money for this project would be nice because it would increase the chances of bringing it to market. On the other half- hand, it would be soooo hot to see such an ambitious project grow without their corporate help.
Well, lets see what happens. Both options have their pros and cons. (And there's a third one: Jolla isn't just a company. They're people who are also part of this community.)
ossi1967 ( 2014-10-30 12:54:13 +0200 )editI'm sure that there are Sailors who want a hardware keyboard, and will pledge for the kickstarter.
Jolla as a company will no doubt help them promote the kickstarter to Jolla owners, as for direct financial backing? No idea, that's for Jolla to decide whether that fits their strategy or not. Depending on community support for the project they may not need to.
r0kk3rz ( 2014-10-30 13:26:09 +0200 )editWell, this extra pledge introduced by Dirk (if he decides to still offer it when campaign really starts) would be a simple and nice way to support (IMHO).
naytsyrhc ( 2014-10-30 13:35:20 +0200 )editGood idea in theory, though I suspect they might be a little wary of setting a precedent or showing favouritism.
midnightoil ( 2014-10-30 14:53:29 +0200 )editNobody would notice if they don't tell it. And on the other hand: they did not really show any favouritism to people supporting their native system yet but promote a lot of android related projects (younite or stella launcher to name a few) so I don't think that this is a bad idea. Quite the opposite.
naytsyrhc ( 2014-10-30 15:53:56 +0200 )edit