howto change pin query background?
Hi! Is there a way to change background image of PIN query? I tried search image files on /usr but could not find any. or is it hardcoded so it cannot be changed? thanks.
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Hi! Is there a way to change background image of PIN query? I tried search image files on /usr but could not find any. or is it hardcoded so it cannot be changed? thanks.
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Asked: 2014-11-02 20:00:21 +0200
Seen: 152 times
Last updated: Nov 02 '14
Suggestion: Add option to use pictures as "normal" background. [released]
image editing doesn't work with png [duplicate]
Reflash the phone. Total recovery?
Possibility to customize application background
When powering on the device, go straight to enter PIN code screen.
Different Ambience backgrounds in cover view and applications [duplicate]
Browser saving png image to gallery