calendar events coming from google account have no alarm
If I setup an event having an alarm on Google Calendar, the event get synced to my Jolla, but whitout any alarm.
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If I setup an event having an alarm on Google Calendar, the event get synced to my Jolla, but whitout any alarm.
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Asked: 2014-11-03 18:16:04 +0200
Seen: 273 times
Last updated: Nov 03 '14
Android apps have no access to system alarms
Interactive Calendar and Alarm Views
Time Abstraction Alarms vs Calendars
Bug: recurring calendar alarms do not work
Calendar notification [released]
Support for iCal/vCal calendars [released]
We need CalDAV support [duplicate]
[Feature-request] Allow import of .ics / iCal files in calendar [released]
Have you checked the alarm time on your remote account? AFAIK Jolla calendar only displays alarms in their UI if the alarm follows the predefined periods such as 5, 15, 30, 60 mins, etc. If your remote alarm is for example 10 minutes ahead of your event it is ignored by the UI. I guess it will still notify you correctly, however due to a missing goolge account I cannot verify that.
jollajo ( 2014-11-03 20:34:47 +0200 )editI have 3 calendars sync via google and no reminders ever worked...
pat_o ( 2014-11-04 08:54:02 +0200 )edittoday i upgraded to first thing to check: i enterd an appointement in google calendar on my pc, then checked the settings of that appointement after it showed up in my jolla: alarm is set to never. How disapointing!
arbyter ( 2014-11-06 16:59:56 +0200 )edit@jollajo I thought the same and tried to set 15 mins as period, but it didn't worked.
Patrizio Bruno ( 2014-11-06 17:01:49 +0200 )editsame here. was looking forward to update 11 Yliaavanlampi an same problem again. sorry, but i need my alarms....
toba ( 2015-02-21 02:04:37 +0200 )edit