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Resolution indipendent icons. [answered]

asked 2014-11-06 13:47:25 +0200

ApB gravatar image

@bijjal shared that after update ten there will be work towards making icons RI.

What does this mean for icons used in apps etc. Will they have to be submitted in .svg. Something else?

The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by nthn
close date 2014-11-06 15:54:30.920076

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1 Answer

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answered 2014-11-06 15:06:22 +0200

Joona Petrell gravatar image

3rd party apps will use similar tooling for deploying scalable icons as the platform apps. We will provide instructions how to make you icons scalable as part of future Silica UI toolkit documentation. The source icon format will be SVG.

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Asked: 2014-11-06 13:47:25 +0200

Seen: 234 times

Last updated: Nov 06 '14