What are the connectivity options offered by FunkyOtherHalf's BreadboardTOH? [answered]
The BreadboardTOH page in the FOH store describes the available connections as:
access to all I2C, INT, 3V3, 5Vin of the phone
_I2C_ is (obviously) the I2C bus. _3V3_ is a 3.3V power line. _5Vin_ is the 5V battery/charger power input. What is the _INT_ thing, though? What about the four _SCL/SDA 1V8/3V3_ pins which aren't listed here but are clearly visible on the picture?
I'm asking because I'd be interested in hacking together an audio TOH module featuring high quality AD/DA conversion, but if there is no high-throughput connectivity option available (capable of streaming at least 4 in/4 out audio at 16-bit/44100Hz), then this would obviously not be possible.
I think it would be better to ask this directly to the developer on talk.maemo.org than here, as this is not really meant as a site to discuss third party products.
nthn ( 2014-11-10 12:03:27 +0200 )edit