S/MIME support in E-Mail
I know that this is a huge feature request. Nevertheless IMHO this is absolutely necessary for business mail in the future.
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I know that this is a huge feature request. Nevertheless IMHO this is absolutely necessary for business mail in the future.
Note, that this is different from the requested OpenPGP (RFC4880) support.
S/MIME and OpenPGP are the two major email encryption standards, and equally important: S/MIME is primarily used in corporate environments, OpenPGP primarily in personal environments (I actually use both).
Also note, that aforementioned request for "gpg support" is actually a misnomer:
GnuPG ("gpg") is already always installed as a part of SailfishOS for checking RPM signatures, as it is used by the CLI tools rpm, pkcon, zypper etc.
The GnuPG framework provides support for both, the OpenPGP standard (as defined in RFC4880) and X.509 / S/MIME.
And note, that all necessary elements of the GnuPG framework are already there:
gpg, libgcrypt, libgpg-error etc. are official packages in the SailfishOS repositories.
gpgme is available in the mer-tools repository (see in the mer-obs, but use ssu ar mer-tools) for SailfishOS (apparently also compiled and packaged by Jolla).
A compiled libassuan currently seems to be missing (in the repositories maintained by Jolla), but its source and -devel packages are available in the SailfishOS repositories. Though a compiled libassuan0 can be found in nielDK's mer-obs repo.
pinentry is available in Inte's repository on OpenRepos.net, although this is the CLI version, not pinentry-qt (i.e. one of the two GUI versions, pinentry-gtk being the other).
But it would actually make a lot of sense to update the GnuPG framework to a recent version (i.e. with gpg 2.2.x) first, before starting with the creation of GUI elements and their integration into the Jolla email client, as already addressed in the mer-meetings 2017-09-06 (08:59:37 ff.) and 2017-09-20 (08:34:31 abranson mentioning "dcaliste's brilliant GPG contribs to the email client", which Damien Caliste himself describes in detail here).
Though presumably it is a political decision by Jolla to use an outdated GnuPG version (with multiple known security vulnerabilities) in SailfishOS, as the currently available version of GnuPG / gpg
is the last version released under GPLv2+ (GnuPG switched to GPLv3-only years ago).
Edit: yeoldegrove has compiled and the GnuPG framework ("gpg suite") in its recent version(s) for SailfishOS and released it 2017-11-04 on OpenRepos.
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Asked: 2013-12-24 22:17:00 +0200
Seen: 2,179 times
Last updated: Nov 05 '17
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PGP support as well please
Kondou ( 2013-12-25 03:56:15 +0200 )edit@Kondou see https://together.jolla.com/question/887/gpg-for-email-and-other-stuff/
ortylp ( 2013-12-25 22:06:53 +0200 )editplease s/mime
pan tau ( 2015-04-10 11:14:21 +0200 )edit