[bug] screen stays black after reboot
After a reboot, my screen won’t turn on.
This is not a hardware problem, since I can see the jolla logo when I switch the device on.
I can ssh into the device using wifi, so the device is on, and running.
But the screen stays off. And double tapping does nothing. Pressing the power button switches the device led between on-white and off.
Any idea ? I guess it could be the proximity sensor stuck, but I don’t know how to get out of this. Please help !
Try dropping the battery out for a few minutes. If not, you may need to use Jolla Recovery tool.
Spam Hunter ( 2014-11-18 00:43:54 +0200 )editNote that I did a zypper install gdb-gdbserver qt5-qtdeclarative-plugin-qmlinspector before rebooting. It ended up upgrading some qt5 packages.
It seems the issue is with libQt5Qml, because my journalctl is filled with:
I need ideas on either how to downgrade the packages I have upgraded, or find out which other packages I need to upgrade to keep a coherent state (isn’t that what packages dependencies are for ?)
Here is the list of packages that were upgraded: qt5-qtdeclarative qt5-qtdeclarative-import-localstorageplugin qt5-qtdeclarative-import-models2 qt5-qtdeclarative-import-particles2 qt5-qtdeclarative-import-qtquick2plugin qt5-qtdeclarative-import-window2 qt5-qtdeclarative-import-xmllistmodel qt5-qtdeclarative-qtquick qt5-qtdeclarative-qtquickparticles lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-components lipstick-qt5 sailfishsilica-qt5
I have the log of zypper upgrade, but it does not tell the version of the packages prior to update.
vbregier ( 2014-11-18 01:03:22 +0200 )edit@vbregier by doing a partial upgrade you now have a mismatch of Qt libraries and anything using them may not start. Fixing this state is complicated, are you on IRC ?
iamer ( 2014-12-23 11:48:06 +0200 )edit