2014-11-19 13:36:08 +0200
Looking at the design is doesn't really look like it is "user swappable". Of course there is always a way of opening a device and the real issue with the Jolla Phone is that, while the battery is removable, the design of it is Unique, making it impossible to find a replacement.
So this time, the LEAST Jolla can do is to use a common sized battery, not nessecarily making it easy to replace. Because if you want a sleek design for the device than an "easy" way to swap batteries often this usually tends to get in the way of the design aspect, if you know what i mean, look at the n9 for example.
But then again, I got som hardware/shell switched out on my lumia 800 and when it returned the plastic frame had signs of...forced entry. Jolla needs it's second device to have a more robust/sturdy feel to it.
I hope user raplaceable battery is doable without introducing "squeeking" sounds to the hardware.
Most devices have swappable batteries. The level of disassembly before changing it varies. I'm not going to vote for this since I prefer solidness prior to easy battery replacing every three years.
Okw ( 2014-11-19 13:33:24 +0200 )editHUGE point. It doesn't have to be something you swap on a daily basis, but it should be possible to do without too much hazzle (disassembling a lot of parts to get to it etc). Also, of course, battery should be an accessory available in jolla store (can't see why the phone doesn't have it yet, batteries DO wear out, and for devices we love, batteries won't last its lifetime).
Larswad ( 2014-11-19 13:35:52 +0200 )editYepp. But please, not as with the Jolla phone! Means: Use at a standard battery soft pack (for availability!) that is at least accessible for replacment by opening the housing of the device by the user.
moosiqpipl ( 2014-11-19 15:30:28 +0200 )editYou forgot to also request that they sell replacement batteries. Unlike the Jolla, which has a "User replaceable Battery", but you can't buy the Battery anywhere.
Cmdr_Zod ( 2014-11-22 15:21:41 +0200 )edit@Cmdr_Zod You're definitely right. Sorry for being so sloppy ;-)
moosiqpipl ( 2014-11-22 16:54:39 +0200 )edit