Why is Jolla Tablet cheaper than Jolla phone? [answered]
Tablet has bigger display, a powerful RAM, more storage yet it is much cheaper than Jolla phone! Except for calling functionality and associated hardware, Tablet seems to score better in terms of other hardware specs. Of course, one reason could be miniaturization and also that some initial development cost of Sailfish would have been absorbed in phone sales. I am aware that similar trends (price disparity if I can call it that) exists in other brands as well.
Is it driven by perception alone? That is, perceived value of tablet is less...
Also, can we expect Phones to become cheaper as well? (I am aware that it has been heavily discounted these days)
P.S. Not sure how it reads but am genuinely trying to understand the rationale for such a difference...I bought Jolla for what others would call a good deal in India and am not so much perturbed by the current price.. (Although it has become much cheaper in India which is how mobile prices move)
All tablets are cheaper than same spec phones. The phone part weighs on the price.
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2014-11-19 15:42:13 +0200 )editYes, but is the high price difference justified is what I am trying to understand...
anandrkris ( 2014-11-19 15:56:10 +0200 )editI believe the pricing is based on supply and demand. the number of people who want to buy phones are higher than the number of people who would want to buy a tablet. since the demand for phones are higher and that there is lot of potential to get higher profit margin, the phones are priced higher i suppose. this is the logical explanation I can think of. If others have a different view or explanation please do share it.
Ganpat ( 2014-11-19 16:11:51 +0200 )editYou also pay for more patents on a phone side. Which drives up the price a lot. Some phone specific patent license payments can go up to 30-40$ a phone sold... So if you do not need to pay them on a tablet, you can make it a lot cheaper.
Philippe De Swert ( 2014-11-19 16:25:19 +0200 )editof course tablets are cheaper! in phones you have to "squish' all the parts into small case. With tablets you don't have this problem to that extent
virgi26 ( 2014-11-19 18:11:39 +0200 )edit