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christmas otherhalf [not relevant]

asked 2014-11-20 22:25:42 +0200

cemoi71 gravatar image

Hello everybody,

since I have the jolla-phone, i really enjoy the concept of otherhalf. All the idea that concept could it bring. I find this simple idea of ambiance depends on a picture is fine and cool. My request is maybe kindy it could be nice if there will be a new otherhalf as typical christmas red, with some christmas soundtracks and underground a la jolla (maybe from sailor).

It's fully makeable or not? who want to have it too?

best regards

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by cemoi71
close date 2018-05-03 13:00:43.361474


@cemoi71 Would you like that we'd have a separate new The Other Half for each special day/time of year, or just for Christmas?

simo ( 2014-11-20 22:30:28 +0200 )edit

how many colors gives in a 32bit color system? more than 365. what is the problem. creativity of people is endless. according to you, do i need a angry-bird otherhalf? no but other people wants, it don't disturb me. i would like better seurat or magrit otherhalf, why not a french-flag of the rugby team ;-)

cemoi71 ( 2014-11-20 22:43:15 +0200 )edit

One problem would probably be the producing costs for all those other halves. How many would want a Christmas- themed OH? Obviously not @Okw (nor me) and I bet there are plenty of others too... And when we move to the more "obscure" topics like Magritte(?) paintings, propably even less. It's not just about the outer color of the OH, there would be time and money spent for creating or sourcing the functional elements (christmas songs etc) of the Other Half you wish for, plus for all the others as well...

Kayakist ( 2014-11-21 00:14:41 +0200 )edit

hi kayakist, thanks for your feedback.

how many who want it? i believe (wish) a lot. if not, then i can live we a negativ feedback. is just nice to have, like all the current otherhalves are nice to have ;-) maybe you've right for the time to spend to creating this oh. but what do you why jolla given the possibility to do it? just to limit it with just 4 pieces about it? anyway if people professional or just sensed, they won't develop a concept which need too much nerve or time to produce it. and if they have overtake this, there are some 3d parts, extern people or firm who could find their part, their contribution. it is nit hazardous, that they provide the OH-Sdk for extern people....

sorry i haven't the same point of you as you.

have a good time

cemoi71 ( 2014-11-21 00:28:25 +0200 )edit

umm... @cemoi71, please don't get me wrong - my first comment was not ment to be negative at all - I was actually considering if we a more common "holiday-TOH" would be an option instead, to make it usable more often than just for the Christmas time. Sorry for writing that in just too short form... By the way, have you checked FunkyOtherhalf TOHs? For example LETOH can be nicely tuned for Christmas time too.

simo ( 2014-11-21 00:42:08 +0200 )edit

6 Answers

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answered 2014-11-21 03:45:25 +0200

dsilveira gravatar image

I want it!

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Gotta catch them all!

Venty ( 2014-12-02 12:04:59 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-11-20 22:28:48 +0200

Okw gravatar image

I certainly don't want it.

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it's allright, I can understand... even if it could be a sailor/jolla flair with it??

cemoi71 ( 2014-11-21 00:32:23 +0200 )edit

something fine, not fully the big number christmas business. just something nice

cemoi71 ( 2014-11-21 00:34:07 +0200 )edit

do you really need to aswer such a question if you dont want such a TOH? I mean if enough people would want some probably someone will make them. But not wanting something that would be optional anyway is of no interest at all to other people O.o

michel ( 2014-12-12 03:02:08 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-11-21 08:21:39 +0200

bilgy_no1 gravatar image

You can find the TOH developer kit to make something yourself. Alternatively, you can submit your idea at


Maybe they like it and will make it...

Personally, I strongly dislike Christmas themed stuff, especially the music...

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i can understand your mind. most of the time christmas is a big business machine with all flashy with a lot a klingtones. i don't like it too... but sometimes some people do their job really fine. depends how they do that..

cemoi71 ( 2014-11-21 10:22:45 +0200 )edit

the problem to make it's own half like the jolla done until now is fast impossible. those parts are done with special material, with nfc ships. and i found 3d model really cheap. looks granular or friable. Like a prototype. even if it's not the case. Currently 3d printed part are not ready for a fine design to sell.

cemoi71 ( 2014-11-21 10:57:37 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-11-21 13:28:19 +0200

albacoris gravatar image

I`d like one. Christmas time is so special - why not do this?

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answered 2014-11-21 13:45:19 +0200

mosen gravatar image

updated 2014-12-24 01:24:47 +0200

Closest thing will be to pre-order LETOH from funkyotherhalf and inspire Kimmo to do a Red/White flashing christmas gizmo app accompanied with some carols radio channel :D Ok, delivery will not be before this christmas i fear. Hump on here: http://funkyotherhalf.com/?page_id=9#!/Light-Emitting-TOH-PRE-ORDER/p/41730063/category=9141090

EDIT: Here it IS :P https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=867895989897566

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if you want, but i am not fan about those flashy TOH. Maybe you can bring up as your own idea, but it has nothing to do with jolla...

cemoi71 ( 2014-11-21 14:29:04 +0200 )edit

ouch, nothing to do with jolla... we have different opinions here. To some people community made TOHs are the most exciting possibility offered by Jollas Hardware concept and overall philosophy. And the reason is simple. I will have my flashy x-mas LETOH gizmo next year, instead of waiting for a small company that has a healthy focuses on its OS and two main devices to develop a total niche TOH...

mosen ( 2014-11-21 14:41:33 +0200 )edit

@mosen: obviously you don't have understood me. naturally it has in some way something to do with jolla. what I mean before, that here on this website is a request to the jolla team. not for 3rd part. I think jolla team can't take some decision for request to a 3rd part team. for 3rd part request, we have just to do our request on the their website. Maybe we can tell here that we have made this request on this site, but not more..

do you understand now what i mean? ;-) make it sense?

cemoi71 ( 2014-11-21 15:09:00 +0200 )edit

sure, thats how it is supposed to work ;) only wanted to hint out that there may be a faster way in lowering your expectations in the TOH and take the low hanging fruit, so to say. Using the LETOH for x-mas sure does not fully compensate for a injektion molded santa print beauty.

mosen ( 2014-11-21 15:21:06 +0200 )edit

sorry, how you have written on your 1st post, i didn't understand for that way. but do you really think that it could be faster? my problem is LETOH do it with 3d printer (i think), but not with the moulded way with same material as jolla do their own TOH. If he can do anyway with the same principal, i doubt that he could be faster... I don't like 3D printer parts, it looks like prototyp one. and for the eyes they are far away of the same finesse (my point of view)..

cemoi71 ( 2014-11-21 16:05:01 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-12 02:53:48 +0200

cemoi71 gravatar image

image description

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Please don't bump threads with irrelevant answers!

There are so many important (technical) issues to discuss and it is not fair to bury those discussions by replying to your own thread and pushing it up.

Pistol ( 2014-12-12 10:52:06 +0200 )edit

according to the title of the thread it passed it is not irrelevant. there is technical threads, there is design threads. All the threads are bound to a product and soon to more than one. All are equal important you know, all. but some have stronger priorities. So tell me why with your unproductive answer that it is irrelevant? if it annoy you, then ignore it please. but don't be aggressive and make the participation of the people toi get the product higher. It is unproductive and community unfriendly, because a make someone as unsocial. it bumps (your term) the creativity under. the point that i'm going to explain you will goes on the guideline point soon please read all this thread: link text

cemoi71 ( 2014-12-12 12:49:30 +0200 )edit

https://together.jolla.com/help/ - see section "How questions, answers and comments work"

Pistol ( 2014-12-12 13:10:23 +0200 )edit

and why is it for you not an answers if question is christmas toh. sometimes picture are better than words. and the point of help explain that it will be commented. you give me a link that i should red without comment. how can i go to a productive way please. if i had the possibility to rewards the comments yours will be far in minus. do you understand what i mean. please don't bump people with no explanation, in what the problem it is. i find it unfriendly (near of unsocial).

cemoi71 ( 2014-12-12 13:18:23 +0200 )edit

@Pistol: sorry for the joke, but your nickname match with your action. it fit well, not for me but it does... that an abstract way to explain my feeling about the action

cemoi71 ( 2014-12-12 13:24:33 +0200 )edit


Asked: 2014-11-20 22:25:42 +0200

Seen: 1,315 times

Last updated: Dec 24 '14