Create an open source camera stack for mer
I'd like to discuss the possibility of creating an open source camera stack for mer based on FCam and Gstreamer.
My idea would be to use gst-nokia-videosrc ( from Meego and replace omap3camd with an fcam-based solution.
Pros :
- Fcam is already functional and gives functionnalities such as autofocus, auto white balance, etc
- Fcam is modular and only the camera drivers would need to be written
- Gstreamer is the solution used by mer
- gst-nokia-videosrc contains everything needed on the gstreamer side and hooks into the closed source libomap3camd
- Once done, the community could improve to add new features such as oversampling, panorama support, etc
- The targeted cameras need a good linux kernel driver that exposes the right controls
This should go to Mer project for consideration?
Jukka ( 2013-12-30 15:45:46 +0200 )edit