Sailfish car mode UI or future Sailfish/Jolla IVI
It would be great if Sailfish had a car mode. I used to travel a lot by car with my N9 and I really liked navigation app there. But sometimes you are stuck in a trafic jam, waiting on red lights or driving on straight highway with no or very low traffic and would like to do other things than navigation - for example check e-mail or send SMS (with predefined message "I'm driving do not disturb"). Hitting small icons when your phone is laying safely in holder is a difficult action to do. Moreover even VKB should be larger and possibly take even the whole screen to make typing easy. What about simple voice commands for most frequently used functions? I can imagine such car mode UI could be also a beginning for future Sailfish IVI (yeah it might sound like a very distant in time idea to happen, but why not to think about it - there are already Android based IVIs in cars like for example Renault R-Link and as we all probably know Sailfish runs on Android hardware).
So I would like to hear your ideas on the topic:
- How Sailfish UI should look like in car mode.?
- What parts of current UI wouldn't be much useful in such conditions and what kind of solutions could be introduced ?
- What options would you expect to be easily accessible?
- What kind of additional functions of your Jolla in car enviroment you can imagine?
Answering automatically with messages whilst driving is I think a much better idea, you shouldn't touch your phone when speeding on the motorway especially not typing messages, I certainly hope that you're not checking your emails whilst driving. Voice commands are definitely the way to go if you have to use your phone.
fasza2mobile ( 2013-12-30 14:24:09 +0200 )@fasza2mobile I don't see anything wrong in checking e-mails while stuck in a traffic jam. Especially if you are waiting for an e-mail that might change your journey plans. I never typed an e-mail while on highway and yeah it's hard to imagine that.
fk_lx ( 2013-12-30 14:34:30 +0200 )@fk_lx I only opposed to check your emails when driving at a speed, I have nothing against you or anyone using their phone waiting at a traffic light or in traffic. I've seen cab driver texting whilst driving on a major/busy road.
fasza2mobile ( 2013-12-30 15:01:06 +0200 )Currently the display is shutdown after a delay, even while you are using Maps-app and trying to navigate. So at least that should be changed.
Milo ( 2013-12-30 17:54:55 +0200 )@fasza2mobile it all depends on conditions, I had situations when I was driving through completely empty highway and read subjects and senders of e-mails occasionally and then if if it was something really expected and urgent I just stopped at nearest parking area to read it.
fk_lx ( 2013-12-30 18:15:29 +0200 )