Together : get feedback from Jolla
asked 2014-11-26 11:51:30 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I see a lot of topics on TJC where people are starving for an answer from Jolla. Some are waiting for almost a year. I don't think that cool : people are taking time to bring ideas and requests... And then... nothing :(
As a consequence, I think it could be cool, for us (the community) to know if an idea, a request, a problem, or whatever, is being watched by a Sailor.
That would allow us to know we don't just throw messages in bottles.
It could also bring attention to some topics, and thus improve the way we do it together.
Ideas by @François :
Identify users that works for Jolla (was already discussed here : I don't think it's a matter of walls. It's a matter of knowing who you're talking to, and how you can understand the answer/comment. This would also allow us to know if the topic is getting some attention from someone at Jolla or not.
Add a "considered-by-Jolla" tag. That would allow us to know the request/idea is being discussed or examined internally by Jolla. Of course, the community would then expect to get some more feedback (ETA, feedback requests, ...). Such a topic should eventually be re-tagged with "roadmap" at some point. Only Sailors should be able to add this tag to a topic.
Add a "wontfix" tag. That would allow us to know the idea/request has been examined by a Sailor but will not make it. Of course, it would be even better if could have some explanations (technically unfeasible, not a bug : feature !, doesn't suit the UX guidelines, ...) Only Sailors should be able to add this tag to a topic.
^ Making it a wiki. Please feel free to add your ideas :)
François ( 2014-11-26 11:52:09 +0200 )edit