2014-11-28 11:47:47 +0200
I do not see the tablet release as stealing focus from the phone in any major way.
The OS is supposed to be the same on the phone and the tablet, and the only improvement we are aware of, at the moment, that is kind of specific to the tablet is the split-screen mode (stretch goal #2).
Most of the changes needed for the tablet support are needed anyway for updated phones -- for example, a new phone will most probably have a different resolution than the first Jolla, and the support for high res screen will be reused there as well.
Another thing that needs to be very good on a tablet is the browser, and I think we would all welcome a better browser on the phone as well.
Porting to the tablet, with a different architecture will mean the BSP (Base Support Package) will need to change target, but I think the BSP layer of the phone should be in good shape already.
So I think there is no need to worry that the tablet development will steal people from the advancements on the phone part.
And the money Jolla Oy gathers from the pre-sales will help them stay afloat for a few more months and maybe purchase software packages to share between the phone and the tablet.
Hardware techs usually aren't also software techs, so you have your hardware people working on newer versions of hardware and you software people working on the OS and Apps.
I see no reason for them to diverge sailfish into different OSs just yet, so its likely we will see a SFOS 2.0 update for the Jolla, even if it disables a lot of the tablet specific functionality.
r0kk3rz ( 2014-11-28 12:15:10 +0200 )editI feel the same. I don't care about second halfs, tablets, launchers with or without angry avians (wtf anyway?) The phone is unfinished.
darvari ( 2014-11-28 14:22:48 +0200 )editGiven that it's closing in on 5 months since the last stable update to Sailfish, I think this is a very legitimate concern. Wifi, mobile data and connectivity generally (amongst other things) are still in a state of disarray and nothing seems to be being done about it ...
meowmeow ( 2014-11-28 15:04:19 +0200 )editI completely agree. There is a lot of unfinished work. First, and foremost, is the connectivity stack:
But also the native standard apps need a lot of work to become useful. Specifically thinking about the Mail app, browser, and especially the Maps app. The latter is useless since it was released on day one, and hasn't had any significant update since.
bilgy_no1 ( 2014-11-28 22:18:10 +0200 )editJolla has HUGE potential. However, as long as the operating system will still require many updates and the amount of native applications will be so small - there's no waste of energy to new ideas. Jolla phone device is just fine - please, finish the OS!!!!
albacoris ( 2014-11-30 16:17:53 +0200 )edit