why not using the jolla phone as gamepad for jolla tablet

asked 2014-11-28 21:09:50 +0200

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updated 2014-11-28 22:48:17 +0200

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I think most of the guys out there ,that uses a jolla phone, could possibly purchase a jolla tablet, since the OS is the same and the huge passion of the community for the concept. there are so many ways to use both together. As game dev, I really appreciated what Sony did with Xperia Z3, So I'm here to ask if it is possible to use several gamepads or the jolla phone itself, for playing games. I think that could open an endless flow of concepts :)

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why not just build a sailfish app which allows you to use a PS4 controller via Bluetooth? since the jolla phone has no hardware keys that would be useful for games or input generally, what use would it be over on screen controls on the tablet? also, unless you're talking emulators, I think you're being really unrealistic if you expect more than extremely simple non-commercial games to turn up on the tablet. Jolla still haven't announced plans for paid apps, so no-one besides Rovio (who they have some kind of deal with) will have done any work in porting their games ... and that will probably just be a fully compatible Android app.

midnightoil ( 2014-11-28 21:24:29 +0200 )edit

I presume in the future there will be paid apps. I think that we don't have to see the jolla phone as a simple gamepad. You can create endless experiences if you combine 2 screens for the same app. Of course it depends on the OS and the resources that the team can put on the project. this is a brain storming, where you can pop up ideas or prototypes. So it's useless take this idea as a mere finnish PS4ish controller. I just suggest the possibility to use both the devices together, as part of a coherent ecosystem.

Alberto ( 2014-11-28 21:35:35 +0200 )edit

if you're talking about game streaming, that's pretty complex software, and there's no way in hell Jolla could do that themselves, nor would it be a good use of resources if they could. they'd have to license .. and that would be expensive if it was possible at all .. since most of the notable code in the space is owned by actors who won't share (MS / Sony / Nvidia). If you're into mobile gaming, I don't think Sailfish is really the right fit for you

midnightoil ( 2014-11-28 21:54:10 +0200 )edit

I would go further from Alberto's proposal by having a Jolla device as your own tool in (bluetooth- wifi- networked) workgoups.

d4v1d3 ( 2014-11-30 17:38:51 +0200 )edit

good call :). still it depends on how many resources the team has. the fact is that if the costumer sees the Jolla product as a useful tool for everyday's life. the team should add features for making the jolla a good platform for many different applications

Alberto ( 2014-12-03 15:44:53 +0200 )edit