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Procedure for troubleshooting android applications

asked 2014-12-01 02:01:02 +0200

Keeper-of-the-Keys gravatar image

updated 2014-12-01 10:06:41 +0200

eric gravatar image

Is there any procedure way to do some level of debugging on Android applications?

Background to the question: I have a professional application (Chamsys MagicQ Remote) which installed without any issues and even displays all the interface just fine, it just never succeeds in connecting to the MagicQ software running on the networked console.

I would like to try and figure out what goes wrong, if it's just an issue of unfettered network access to unconventional ports or something else but I don't even know where/how to start. OTOH I understand I can't very well expect Jolla to fix a bug in dalvik that they can't test properly without getting very specific hardware and in general if I'm not mistaken alien-dalvik is an external company right?

To some extent this question shares properties with this other question: https://together.jolla.com/question/57054/lightify-app-and-jolla/

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answered 2014-12-30 17:39:48 +0200

Keeper-of-the-Keys gravatar image

Turns out that there was a setting wrong somewhere else and the program works fine, it would still be nice to know how to troubleshoot a crashing android program though (certain games from humble bundles)...

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Asked: 2014-12-01 02:01:02 +0200

Seen: 199 times

Last updated: Dec 30 '14