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how many votes are necessary

asked 2014-12-01 15:51:10 +0200

Fellfrosch gravatar image

updated 2014-12-01 15:52:42 +0200

...until we get an official statement from Jolla? I find it quite funny that there are some questions, where we get answers, even when they just reached few votes. On the other side there are questions, where I have the feeling they are ignored (just use the Tag "battery" to see what I mean). So I would suggest, that Jolla should tell us, how many votes are necessary to get an official answer. And I don't mean an answer like "we don't know at the moment". Of course there will always be questions, where they can't give a definite answer, but they should at least honestly try to.

To come back to my example with the battery - I can't imagine there isn't already an answer, but I think they don't give it, because it is an unpopular one.

So I would suggest that a question which reaches 300 votes should be answered from a sailor as open and honest as possible. I know well that there are (and will be) questions which they can't (or don't want to) answer. But even then they should try to explain why they can't answer it.

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I disagree. Sure, the lack of an answer about the battery is surely because they've got no way to supply spare batteries. But saying that "if a question reaches 300 votes, your internal struggles now become your external struggles" is not going to make things any easier. In fact, I would imagine that if the troubles with their handset manufacturer were to become public knowledge, they'd have even less ability to make deals in the future. Nobody would want to work with them.

Jolla is already more open and more communicative than practically any other device manufacturer in existence today. I don't mind if they choose to go quiet on a subject in a public forum like this; that's enough of an answer in itself, don't you think?

Copernicus ( 2014-12-01 16:09:44 +0200 )edit

Don't get me wrong, Jolla is definitely more open and communicative, than their competitors. And I appreciate that. And as you can see, I've written, that there are and will be questions, which they can't answer. But what I would like to have on this forum, is, that if there is a question, which many people are interested in, there should be more than just "Maybe" or "eventually". I just want them to show us, "we have understood,that this is a urgent matter and we answer as open as it is possible WITHOUT risking any business affairs."

To come back to my example. Having after after a year no answer on the spare battery question is unfortunately answer enough, I think. But I also think, there are and will be other questions, which are a little uncomfortable to answer and therefore it would be nice to know that a question which reaches more than 300 votes will be answered in a very sensible way. I always accept a "no, we can't answer you" but on urgent things I would like to see that they try to give an explanation why.

Fellfrosch ( 2014-12-01 16:39:55 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-12-01 19:12:09 +0200

simo gravatar image

updated 2014-12-01 19:34:05 +0200

I've been following TJC closely since the beginning, and by what I've seen, few notes regarding to your question

  • Thanks to Jolla for each answer given. There are even too many questions asked
  • We shouldn't put any limits/goals/bars to voting, or common expectations in overall (we all have our own expectations)
  • We can always give feedback to any question, and we should, whenever we find one which seems to be ignored.
  • Enough of such feedback should be notified - Jolla doesn't want to show ignorance - they are more likely just busy
  • A question with high voting rate, at some point, deserves to be lifted up too. For example editing on old question with adding "Anything new on this?" - However, let's use common sense on this.

For what I've seen, I think the activity on both the customers side and Jolla's side have been great - not in all the questions I'd like to see it, but in overall. Let's keep up improving, and, VOTING!


  • Average question rate: 24 new questions per day
  • Average answering rate by Jolla employees: 3.13 per day (or 4.89 per working day)
  • Average answering rate by customers/3rd parties: 26 answers per day (including polls)
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I agree with you in every point. And especially with the small part in your last sentence "not in all the questions I'd like to see". That was the reason why I made my suggestion. I don't know if it is the right way or not. It's just a suggestion, where we can discuss about. All in all I'm very happy with Jolla (the company and the phone) that's why I ordered a tablet from them without having a real usecase for it. At least for now ;)

Fellfrosch ( 2014-12-01 20:31:21 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-12-01 15:51:10 +0200

Seen: 360 times

Last updated: Dec 01 '14