[request] Improve inefficient interaction flow [answered]
asked 2014-12-06 04:05:29 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Let me first start by saying that I do not and will not use a phone one-handed.
I must say that the experience is not smooth. Problems:
- Having to constantly peek to check time, battery, and connection status instead of a usual top bar.
- Having to look for apps downwards instead of to the right (or to the left for some other people I imagine)
- The point above means there is confusion between checking for notifications and looking for apps.
- Having to call up settings instead of dropping quick toggles from the top
- Lack of Hub already mentioned in separate thread
- Burdensome way of closing apps instead of just clicking on an x in corner of minimized view
- Scrolling acceleration already reported by someone else
- Fancy display of notifications and emails instead of black and white
- Sailfish-style menus hard to use with invisible items and scroll hunting [answered]
I am not saying you should alter the one-handed UX for all users, but that you should provide such an alternative two-handed UX mode.
That's it for now
Lots of things here, each of which I believe already has their own thread. No offense, but there is no point in posting "things I find annoying" lists, when each item can be (and is already being) discussed & voted for in their own thread.
ssahla ( 2014-12-06 09:58:49 +0200 )editHow long have you used the Jolla? Some elements of the UI may take a little bit of time to get used to. E.g. the app drawer being below the home screen instead lf to the right.
I don't understand how closing an app is burdensome. You can do it with a 'Push' gesture from outside the top of the screen. Even easier than a X-button imho.
Intro of gestures can be found here:
You are right that settings/toggles should be more easily available. Please vote/comment here:
bilgy_no1 ( 2014-12-06 10:07:16 +0200 )editI've used it for a week. It's very tiring, not efficient.
pulsar ( 2014-12-06 11:38:40 +0200 )edit@pulsar please elaborate as to why you would like some of these changes? a lot of them seem to be change for change sake, or "because android does it this way"
r0kk3rz ( 2014-12-06 12:17:56 +0200 )editI don't want them because of Android, I want them because BB10 does it better. I already supported BlackBerry when they were at rock bottom, and now it's the turn to encourage Jolla. The interaction might be good for one-handed use, but not for two-handed. I needed an additional phone, and I am excited about the Jolla and love participating in its improvement, but I've started thinking if I should keep the Z10 for myself because it is more practical (not talking about apps). Note that I am not hard-core BlackBerry. The Z10 was my first and only one.
pulsar ( 2014-12-06 12:25:17 +0200 )edit