.desktop file - Execute with no cover?
Hopefully someone can help. I'm currently running Uitukka.
I just want to click on an icon to execute a SSH command (which executes successfully), but a cover launches that says 'Loading' and cannot be closed. I just want to avoid the cover to launch, no UI is required at all. Surely there must be a way?
Here's my .desktop file that I put in /home/nemo/.local/share/applications/.
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=ssh user@ "sh -c 'export DISPLAY=:0;xdotool key Left'"
Had the same problem with quickbar, Apparently the transition is default (loading) and it cannot be removed. You can, however, have an app with no cover.
tortoisedoc ( 2014-12-06 19:54:21 +0200 )editAnd how do you have an app with no cover? With the .desktop file above, it will create a cover that cannot be closed.
Robin ( 2014-12-07 03:56:38 +0200 )edit