Navigation application: Features we expect from it [off-topic]
asked 2013-12-30 18:30:59 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I'd like to open a thread where we can discuss about the future application that Jolla will develop with Appello in order to provide a Navigation experience to the Jolla device.
I'll start with some features I expect from this app:
- detailed satellite aquisition information
- automatically or manually switch between night/day colors
- ability to chose between online/offline navigation
- ability to see the map in 2D/3D/satellite view
- automatically use compass in order to determine the direction in which the phone is going
- map layers
- speed limit alert
- fixed speedcams alert (illegal in many countries)
- route settings: fastest/shortest/economical
- route settings: permit/deny motorways, toll roads, ferries, tunnels, unpaved roads etc
- route settings: alternate routes
- settings of units: metric/imperial UK/imperial US etc
- ability to see/export GPS coordinates of current location and any point on the map
- preview route: set starting/ending/intermediate points of a route and see a demo of the route before actual routing
- live traffic
- walking/driving/bicycle/public transport modes
- ability to share a route via e-mail/IM etc.
- remaining time/distance
- voice guidance with street names + ability to choose own voice
- vector based maps, instead of bitmap tiles (much smaller, better rotation support)
- ability to use or import data from OpenStreetMap (more detailed, more often updated, more accurate than Here maps, depending on region)
- ability to see provinces/ states/ municipals on the map? Like the german states Bavaria etc?
Last edited by @typo: Added "Alternate routes" feature request. <-- marked as wiki, like all the others (simo)
Edited by @simo: This question was originally introduced by @strongm and edited to wiki question by @eric. Each suggested feature is listed here, and answered to vote it (wiki answers, no karma points to anyone). Please feel free to add features to the list. Please add them both here (by edit) and as a new answer for people to vote.
Please avoid commenting of the poll options to keep that part clear. You can add your comments under the question.
Live time and/or distance to go
strongm ( 2014-01-01 16:45:27 +0200 )edit@strongm I second that, live time/distance would be nice
gehowa ( 2014-01-03 12:17:23 +0200 )editseeing coordinates, as already mentioned, is necessary for me.
JS ( 2014-01-04 17:27:04 +0200 )editWhat about the maps used in this application? I would like to use open street map!
immo ( 2014-01-05 15:50:08 +0200 )edit@immo since Jolla decided to go with HERE services, I think it's a good idea the Navigation app uses the same mapping set. This brings advantages like being able to share location, favorites between Maps and Navigation. at the moment I find HERE maps to be the best mapping experience available on mobile platforms. Of course I wouldn't mind having some 3rd party app that uses OSM.
DanyZ ( 2014-01-08 15:06:49 +0200 )edit