[Request] Bluetooth audio routing settings

asked 2014-12-09 15:55:40 +0200

junnuvi gravatar image

updated 2014-12-09 23:09:00 +0200

When connected to bluetooth device with handsfree function it would be nice to have option to select default audio routing. In perfect world this option would be per bluetooth device selectable. Pretty sure I'm not only one who wishes that audio will not be automatically transferred to HF kit.

Edit: My post was maybe little bit unclear. What I mean is that user would have option to select if phone calls will be forwarded automatically to specific bt device automatically or not.

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+1 for that. Something like that would be nice: http://weblog.rogueamoeba.com/wp-content/uploads/images/20120212iostomultiple/sendingfromios.jpg Would be great to see that in sailfish os.

boltzmann138 ( 2014-12-09 23:02:13 +0200 )edit