Sort map search results by distance
Current maps software gives search results in quite random order when I search for example shops nearby. It would be more logical to order the results by distance.
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Current maps software gives search results in quite random order when I search for example shops nearby. It would be more logical to order the results by distance.
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Asked: 2013-12-30 19:58:13 +0200
Seen: 101 times
Last updated: Dec 30 '13
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Does it update to the correct location, though, if you try to use it at a new place? It keeps showing me the same results much of the time when using the "what's near" even if I use elsewhere. Seems like the results only change when the location is considerably different, like a different city.
ottulo ( 2014-01-03 21:25:54 +0200 )editGood idea! I'll do this in modRana. :)
MartinK ( 2014-03-07 22:30:39 +0200 )edit