Ideas for split screen functionality [not relevant]
Here are some ideas of mine for split screen functionality. Feel free to comment and come up with better ways to do it.
If split screen functionality is implemented so that two apps are side by side:
Closing apps
Swipe from the top closes the app as usual. If you swipe from the the top and the swipe goes over the left app the left one closes and the other app goes to fullscreen. And so on.
Changing the size of the apps
Two finger swipe from the edge. If you swipe from the left edge, the left app gets bigger and right one smaller. And when you swipe from the right it is the other way around. And if your swipe so long that only one app occupies the screen then the other app goes to background.
Event screen
If you swipe from the bottom should the event screen be fullscreen or should it cover just one app?
Going to split screen mode
Long press the cover in homescreen and choose from there? Somehow from event screen? Something else?
Home screen
It should be clear which apps are in split screen mode. When you tap one of those covers it goes to the left side of the screen and the other one to the right. I didn't read it completely but Jolla designer talks about design considerations on bigger screens.
anandrkris ( 2014-12-10 17:19:40 +0200 )editMy Idea would be for standard actions: Swipe from left inte screen minimizes left app and goes to standard view - analog from right Swipe from top insight closes the app on which side you swipe: left closes left app, right the right one and in the middle closes both Swipe from bottom gives event view on the appropriate site
NuklearFart ( 2014-12-10 20:39:27 +0200 )editYour idea with two fingers is great. I had a similar one. But why would you use different methods to handle the splitted screen (opening and closing apps)? I added my version of the idea (with link to this one) as an answer to this post.
silmoc ( 2015-02-14 11:53:37 +0200 )edit