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[Request] People app's default screen should show search field

asked 2014-12-19 15:15:52 +0200

droll gravatar image

updated 2015-03-17 12:29:42 +0200

pan tau gravatar image

when you use the pulley menu from the dialer app to call a contact, you will see a screen allowing you to select the contact you wish to call. This screen does not show the SEARCH field. I have to activate it from the pulley menu.

May I request that you consider showing the SEARCH field here as well?

in fact, this screen looks exactly like the default screen you see when you first launch the People app (and here it also does not show the SEARCH field). and here I would also like to request that the SEARCH field be shown.

thank you.

edit: add show search by default in People and Phone - Call contact , or make it as settings - app doesnt remember last state after close/reboot. there is no working workarround for Phone - Call Contact page.

it is critical bug/feature req while using jolla as regular phone and having a lot of contacts

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default is no-no. But i propose that it should stay the way you left it: if chose one time to show the search field, it should be always shown, and vice versa

virgi26 ( 2014-12-19 15:33:49 +0200 )edit

If you are powered user, try this tewak by lomo link text

cocovina ( 2014-12-19 15:59:25 +0200 )edit

As mentioned above, it can remember and persist the choice used. (Shown / hidden)

anandrkris ( 2015-02-04 09:09:34 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-03-17 12:03:23 +0200

pan tau gravatar image

updated 2015-04-25 06:42:32 +0200


as the method doesnt work for Phone - Call Contact - anymore, i would like to see new workarround how to force search even i close app, search is BASIC, the letters pannel is useles for more than 10contacts per letter...

edit: search is now visible by defaul in phone - call contact :) [didnt touch files edited early]

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Asked: 2014-12-19 15:15:52 +0200

Seen: 303 times

Last updated: Apr 25 '15