make global settings searchable

asked 2013-12-31 00:11:25 +0300

ortylp gravatar image

updated 2013-12-31 09:21:12 +0300

eric gravatar image

The number of options is large at the moment, with growing number of applications and all the feature requests to bring option up to the UI the "Settings" app will explode.

There is well known solution for this: allow search for keywords in settings. It requires also that all options get internally also some kind of description, maybe help text and keywords.

Have you ever tried to find the right setting on Android phone or e.g. OSMAND? A setting that you know is there, but cannot find again? Well you need search for this.

It is not for replacing categories and hierarchical access. It is meant as support for those, who would mentally search for a specific option in a different place in the hierarchy.

Feature as seen in Ubuntu and eclipse.

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