[feature-request] Seperate Transfers App to list Downloads and Uploads

asked 2014-12-22 13:12:52 +0200

mgbler gravatar image

updated 2015-01-23 14:11:07 +0200

eric gravatar image


why do I have to open the settings center to access my transfers? The transfers list is 'not' a setting. It is too hidden inside the settings app.

I propose a simple app which is accessible from the launcher. I think Jolla can reuse the code from the settings module and perhaps add some press-and-hold options like

  • open item
  • share item
  • delete item

A simple search field would also come in very handy :-)

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Information about the battery, the licenses or data counters are also not 'settings', they're just placed there because it would be silly to have many different 'apps' that only do one tiny thing.

If you want faster access to Transfers, you can add it to your 'favourites', which makes it show up in the main page of the settings. Saves a tap and a scroll down! Edit: I see on a different request that you've done that.

The 'open item' things could be useful and probably wouldn't be very difficult to implement.

nthn ( 2014-12-22 15:06:41 +0200 )edit

you are right about other information shown there. Indeed, i already pinned the transfers menu to my favorites. In my eyes this is just very unintuitive. Of course we don't need single apps just to display device informations. But down/uploads is another story. Would the average-joe or your grandma find them? :-)

mgbler ( 2014-12-22 15:27:16 +0200 )edit