Native App request - Daily comic strip viewer (xkcd, C&H,etc)
Can we have native App that automatically delivers / displays set Comics (C&H, xkcd, Dilbert, PhD Comics, etc)? If there are any copyright issue it could just point to the web URL. (say,
On Linux desktop, when I was on KDE, i loved the Comic Viewer gadget and now xkcd viewer in Cinnamon that refreshes comics on a daily basis.
P.S. I installed Gocomics from 1Mobile Android store and seems to work fine at the moment.
Am not a programmer but based on my limited understanding of tech, - Since Sailfish also uses Qt / QML , should be able to port / adapt the widget as an app?
Comic widget Repository link for easy reference.
Check the KDE Plasma Tutorial for plugin.
I think I'm at a halfway mark. I've succesfully read XKCD inside the SailfishOS SDK emulator with my app Comic Sailor. It crashes at certain points and the UI is ugly so I won't publish it yet.
Once it's working the first release will support XKCD, Diesel Sweeties, Peebles Lab and Spiked Math. They are all licensed under Creative Commons. The other comics requested are copyrighted and the authors that I contacted didn't give their permission to use their comics, so I won't.
I'm a bit busy for the time being so I can't tell you when it's ready for release. The codebase can be found in in case anyone is interested in helping out or forking..
EDIT: Was supposed to add a comment to my own answer thread. Sorry for the confusion.
jaacoppi ( 2015-03-08 19:36:27 +0200 )editBTW, just noticed this question is a duplicate: See an earlier post:
jaacoppi ( 2015-03-22 19:31:04 +0200 )editI believe that is for reading comic book file FBreader
anandrkris ( 2015-03-24 05:39:36 +0200 )edit