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SSID starting with lowercase first letter can't be connected to

asked 2014-12-24 13:36:44 +0200

marsch gravatar image

updated 2016-08-17 11:06:01 +0200

jiit gravatar image

I've been struggling with connecting to a wifi I occasionally want to use for a year now, debugging it from every direction to no avail.

After changing the networking hardware finally, I accepted that Jolla just won't work at this place until update X. So I tried anew after the recent update without success.

Now by coincidence, I realized that the actual reason is the SSID starting with a lowercase letter.

I have not seen such a behaviour on any UNIX system I ever set up.

Please have a look into this. Thank you.

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I don't follow. Do you mean the SSID is like yYYYY or what? I have connected numerous WiFi networks with all lowercase or mixed case names and never experienced any problems with it. Even my WiFi at home is all lowercase with a number at the end.

Venty ( 2014-12-24 14:21:22 +0200 )edit

eduroam works fine for me (after the initial setup), so your problems probably depend on something other than lowercase SSIDs.

nthn ( 2014-12-24 14:51:06 +0200 )edit

I can confirm that SSIDs starting with lowercase letters do work fine. My home network is all lower case and another one I'm using several times a month is all lower case, too. (If you'r 100% certain that the 1st letter being lower case is the culprit, maybe the real Problem is a mixture of lower and upper case? My examples are either all lower case or all upper case or a mixture starting with an upper case letter. I don't have a network with an ID that starts with a lower case letter and then contains an upper case one.)

ossi1967 ( 2014-12-24 17:49:31 +0200 )edit

@marsch apart of the name, what are the settings for the WLANs where you weren't able to connect successfully? It's not the first SSID letter per se as others have reported (and I can confirm as well) that it works with such a name.

simosagi ( 2014-12-24 19:27:52 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-12-24 20:54:45 +0200

tadzik gravatar image

Can you indeed confirm this by changing the first letter of the SSID to uppercase?

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answered 2014-12-27 15:07:57 +0200

marsch gravatar image

I lack a proper chance at the moment to repeat everything, I will however if there's an opportunity.

What I can tell is that I had a network 'gwark', running flawlessly for the last couple of years. The network was operated on an OpenBSD appliance, a Linksys WRT54G with OpenWRT and 2 different kinds of AVR Fritzboxes.

In pre-WPA2 times it was running WPA with B only, for a number of years it's using WPA2 in mixed mode.

I never experienced any problems with devices connected to this network except the Jolla.

Interestingly, from the point where I changed the name to 'Gwark666', I've never seen any issues with Jolla anymore.

Admittedly, the bug could also be triggered by the short SSID.

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I couldn’t reproduce the problem. I successfully connected two Jolla phones to WLAN's with SSID "gwark" and only "g". Neither lower-case first letter nor length caused any problems. Both phones were running Sailfish OS and WLAN router was Huawei B593 using WPA & WPA2.

Valker ( 2014-12-29 17:17:00 +0200 )edit

@marsch once you noticed that 'Gwark666' works, did you try to return to 'gwark' and check that it stopped working again with Jolla? Otherwise perhaps the network was only requiring some sort of 'configuration refresh'.

simosagi ( 2015-01-16 11:11:03 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-12-24 13:36:44 +0200

Seen: 1,692 times

Last updated: Dec 27 '14