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When is VoLTE support expected?

asked 2014-12-25 13:57:07 +0200

stardust gravatar image

updated 2018-11-03 18:02:59 +0200

p_pahare gravatar image

I am using at this moment VoLTE as part of a Test, as part of this test i needed to swop my Jolla Phone to a Android Phone capable to support VoLTE. This test is really going well and VoLTE is a big improvement.

I expect that in 2015 the VoLTE support is coming to the market and i like to use the Jolla in combination with VoLTE! So i and i think many of us like to have support of VoLTE in the Jolla Phone.

The biggest advantages at this moment are extreme fast call setup and the possibility to switch up a Video channel independent of the Voice channel. Compared to classic VoIP services the advantage is support of a fallback function to GSM/UMTS for the voice channel, possibility to call over WiFi with your mobile number.

I have ReOpened this question as It is still Unclear that when Is voLTE Expected? Even when the sailfish 3 is launched , It should be at first place in the Sailfish 3 Roadmap.

If any of you use Twitter please tweet a link to this discussion, asking for VoLTE on Sailfish, and include @JamesNoori , @JollaHQ and @IntexBrand to bring it to their attention.

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I have reopened this question as it isn't a duplicate and it is now 2016 and demand for VoLTE support has been growing. It would be more appropriate to redirect all "VoLTE wanted" threads to this older discussion than to the question enquiring if Jolla supports VoLTE.

sifartech ( 2016-09-13 17:00:15 +0200 )edit

@sifartech thanks, can't wait to use Reliance JIO's VoLTE, at least, direct sim access is required for Android apps so that I can use JIO app to make calls which is an option by Reliance for the phones with no VoLTE support but LTE support.

pinkpanther ( 2016-09-13 17:22:26 +0200 )edit

@pinkpanther - It is better that Sailfish OS support VoLTE as a built-in feature than making us rely on some android app for it. I am guessing providing direct SIM access to android apps would take as much work as adding VoLTE feature, and so it would be better they work on making VoLTE a native feature of Sailfish OS.

sifartech ( 2016-09-13 17:29:58 +0200 )edit

@sifartech fair enough. any developers/people from Jolla company in this forum? I'm new to this forum. I'm also curious is it possible for third parties to add this feature, since Sailfish kind of flexible and is like Linux? But I guess VoLTE is tied with hardware.

pinkpanther ( 2016-09-13 17:33:50 +0200 )edit

@pinkpanther - Sailfish OS is open source to a certain extent, and one can certainly extend it if you have the technical know how. See here for more information on how to extend the core of The OS and some basic info on VoLTE.

sifartech ( 2016-09-13 17:41:49 +0200 )edit

10 Answers

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answered 2016-09-13 17:21:26 +0200

sifartech gravatar image

updated 2016-09-25 20:08:32 +0200

Yes, it is time that VoLTE and VoWiFi be available on Sailfish OS. VoLTE networks are already rolling out in India and other countries, and it is unfortunate that our Sailfish phones don't work on it.

As per this wikipedia article on VoLTE, VoLTE networks are currently operating in:

  1. Singapore (by Singtel from 2014)
  2. South Korea (by KT from 2014)
  3. China (by China Mobile from 2014)
  4. USA (by Verizon and AT&T from 2014)
  5. Cambodia (by Seatel from 2015)
  6. Australia (by Telstra from 2015)
  7. Malaysia (by YTL's Yes from 2016)
  8. India (by Reliance Jio from 2016)

(The list is far from complete - here's a further list of LTE networks around the world, who are also in various stages of enabling VoLTE on their network).

It would be really amiss of Jolla to not support a basic phone feature, like VoLTE, and it is hoped that Jolla will prioritise adding this and not ignore it like they did with 3g Video Calling. (Yes, it is a basic phone feature for those using 4g+ VoLTE network - after all what is the use of a mobile phone OS that can't make calls?).

(I understand there may be hardware limitations in Jolla 1, but both the Jolla C and Intex Aqua Fish have hardware support for VoLTE. And why not explore a software solution for the Jolla 1, if Jolla can spare the resources for it?)

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You mean there are networks which work on 4G+ VoLTE only and we can't make any call without a compatible phone? No possibility to have a feature phone at all?

Sthocs ( 2016-09-14 09:44:15 +0200 )edit

@Sthocs I don't know about other networks, but Reliance JIO is a 4G only network. So, it can't switch to other network when a call is needed, hence the need for VoLTE. Ofcourse, Android user can make calls in this network using the apps provided by Reliance JIO (MyJIO etc..). But, I'm not sure if it works on Jolla since Anroid apps don't have direct access to sim card hence the problem.

pinkpanther ( 2016-09-14 17:30:32 +0200 )edit

@Sthocs - Yes, no feature phone support yet on these 4g only networks. And yes, some service providers are 4g + VoLTE only. According to the wikipedia article I linked above, SEATEL in Cambodia is also a 4g only network without 2g or 3g.

sifartech ( 2016-09-21 09:21:09 +0200 )edit

Interesting, thanks for the info guys

Sthocs ( 2016-09-21 12:07:16 +0200 )edit

What exactly is the major advantage of VoLTE for me, the user? AMR-WB is also supported on 3G, and works just fine on Jolla1. AFAIC, VoLTE really isn't a "basic phone feature" just yet. And I wonder if it even qualifies as "nice to have". From my European viewpoint, I really don't care about some 4G-only networks. I reckon Qualcomm wants a hefty, if not absurd, financial compensation before they hand over the needed drivers/documentation. I'd rather have Jolla spend it on VoIP, than on VoLTE.

Fuzzillogic ( 2016-09-22 19:50:04 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-11-17 09:43:06 +0200

DC gravatar image

Looking at ofono mailing list, I found that ofono is adding IMS and ISIM support, in their current implimentation cycle which is post 1.21+git version. Sailfish is using ofono version 1.19. can anybody from Sailfish team comment on status of development regarding these features in sailfishos?

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answered 2018-07-12 11:57:27 +0200

Direc gravatar image

updated 2018-12-28 12:22:59 +0200

VoLTE support is announced for upcoming Sailfish 3.


Edit: VoLTE is not yet available in, but it should be released in a later update.

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In other news, DNA / Finland has (silently...) released support for VoLTE and VoWiFi in June 2018 for selected 4G plans! Yes!

Direc ( 2018-07-12 11:59:49 +0200 )edit

Apparently Elisa / Finland also has released the VoLTE support!

Direc ( 2018-07-16 14:14:54 +0200 )edit

It's about time, in Switzerland the providers are in the process of removing parts of the 2G/3G network in favor of 4G/5G (it is more interesting to use the limited frequencies for modern standards). In consequence, making phone calls cat get impossible, if you only have 4g reception and no VoLTE. I just had such a situation today inside a building, where I had 4G but couldn't make a call.

Cmdr_Zod ( 2019-02-22 13:59:01 +0200 )edit

The VoLTE entry got removed from the "connectivity" section, does that mean it's no longer on the Sailfish 3 roadmap?

MeegoUser ( 2019-07-08 18:16:18 +0200 )edit

I would love voWifi, since I got a really poor 3G/4G network in my house....

VincentB ( 2019-08-13 22:29:21 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-25 23:00:57 +0200

nick75 gravatar image

This topic is already discussed https://together.jolla.com/question/54949/does-the-jolla-phone-support-voice-over-lte-volte/ Swedish operators are planning to activate VoLTE during 2015, so I am also interested in this feature.

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Interview with Nokia Networks in Sweden . Seems like 2015 is the year that VoLTE will be started. More info is expected at MWC in less than month. Tele2 Sweden officially states that they will start VoLTE this year. The article further states that VoLTE already has been rolled out in Hong Kong (CSK, 3, PCCW, Smartone), South Korea (SK Telecom, KT), Japan (Docomo), and Telenor Danmank. AT&T and Verizon har started in some countries where they own a network.

nick75 ( 2015-02-11 14:45:48 +0200 )edit

That topic clarified that VoLTE feature is not present in Sailfish OS. This topic is seeking clarification when VoLTE support will be added to Sailfish OS by Jolla.

sifartech ( 2016-09-14 07:33:47 +0200 )edit

@sifartech well this answer is almost two years old, and in the answer from Jolla in the topic I linked, you can see they actually also present an answer to when; "not anytime soon". So my answer was not so out line - at the time. Nevertheless, soon has passed many times since then, and the question when is now relevant as more and more VoLTE services are started.

nick75 ( 2016-09-19 10:56:07 +0200 )edit

@nick75 - Oh yeah, I understand. I actually added that comment for the new members.

sifartech ( 2016-09-21 09:14:12 +0200 )edit

Along many other things, VoLTE should be a top priority these days. Would be nice to get an ETA from Jolla on this matter.

tvicol ( 2016-09-23 10:51:22 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-05-27 09:37:52 +0200

nkadithya31 gravatar image

Is there any way we can push for VOLTE support?

Else people will start moving to Android or iOS :(

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Developers, Developers, Developers.

ced117 ( 2017-05-27 23:54:06 +0200 )edit

is there any one who can help by creating a 3rd party app?

nkadithya31 ( 2017-05-28 12:36:50 +0200 )edit

As VoLTE is very carrier specific ask your carrier to provide an application for SailfishOS.

leszek ( 2017-05-28 13:31:10 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-11-04 17:30:08 +0200

depscribe gravatar image

I don't think that Jolla realize how important this is to many of us. And it has been available on other OSes for a very long time. Of particular importance in many parts of the world, such as mine, is VoWiFi. It is supported now by many carriers and reduces data costs considerably. It would be good for Jolla to tell us the state of play, when it will arrive, and if not, why not.

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answered 2016-11-02 13:57:50 +0200

DC gravatar image

Every service provider in India is moving towards VOLTE based network for better service quality and lower tariff for customer. Can someone, from jolla clarifies whether sailers in india will get volte services any time soon or we need to buy new android/windows/tizen phones? Is it such a big thing to impliment or worthless to impliment? For sailer here it has become kinds of basic telephone feature. http://tech.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/mobile/nokia-bags-airtels-rs-402-cr-pan-india-volte-tech-deal/55198465#./55198465?&_suid=147808578807902084310061763972

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We (SailfishOs Users) can Expect Volte Support Very Soon as Increasing Demands for Volte will Force Jolla from Partners Side and Which Manufacturer will bet fot 4G devices without Volte

p_pahare ( 2016-11-02 14:45:21 +0200 )edit

but jolla have partnered with very few manufactured, as a matter of fact I have heard only intex till now. And intex is certainly not going to force sailfish to provide update.But lets hope

DC ( 2016-11-02 15:09:47 +0200 )edit

DC i have been using Voice over IP for ages, or Voice over Mobile Data (including 2G, 3G, 4G and LTE) and it mostly works.

Here are the apps to make it happen so you dont have to wait for carriers to get off their seat: 1. TalkU 2. Talkatone

I find most reliable for local and international calling and messaging at low rates.

DarkTuring ( 2017-02-03 18:43:52 +0200 )edit

@DarkTurning actually calling and messaging is completely free Reliance jio. This is the reason everyone asking for Volte support here in India. People have option to buy new phone through savings on calling plans in Reliance Jio as compared to other service provider. I have contacted the service provider but yet to recieve no from them. They have to bring new app registration process to support Aqua fish. I dont think they will do that. Every other OEM providing volte support as mandatory feature.

DC ( 2017-02-07 10:52:33 +0200 )edit

If Jio4Gvoice would have working by verifying Sms on sim then it can work, but the app detects sim physically, even in 2G android phone

p_pahare ( 2017-02-07 11:11:40 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-02-03 11:37:00 +0200

Dkm gravatar image

I have sent mails to jolla support on this issue & also mentioned of 50+ million (& growing rapidly!!!!) iio customers... a huge market in india who may go for cheapest 2gb smartphone aquafish with fantastic sailfish os....also.a copy to intex... promptly got mail answers ... both apologized .... can't promise volte support... can't allow jiovoice app to work.It goes against business sense & also shows inability to migrate to latest technology .... very unlike jolla. I hope surely they are furiously & silently working on this... the technical challenge may be too great...I pray for their quickest success.

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I also request (actually, I demand) that Jolla C and further devices support DAB! 510+ million europeans will have to change from FM to DAB in the next years!! (/irony)

lupastro ( 2017-02-03 11:55:17 +0200 )edit

Unfortunately I agree. In EU T-Mobile and Orange already provides VoLTE also, I would say on regular basis, and offers for users even free calling and free internet as they are still testing network and technology. Anyway, seems VoLTE is still not in Jolla radar of current issues. From one hand I can understand as in fact there is not established clear path to follow so VoLTE in different countries and even at different operator can mean different things, considering internal standards used by operators. On the other hand VoLTE is already in operator's plans, advertised, and some use it like 2G or 3G. Especially it is confusing when operators like T-Mobile or Orange offers free use in return of reporting noticed problems and "accepting the network so phone calls can not work as expected or not quite properly e.g. can happen disconnected calls. VoLTE is unavoidable option for SailfishOS I think. The only question is when, sooner or later?.

_ _ _ _ T A _ _ _ _ ( 2017-04-28 00:02:47 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-26 16:01:46 +0200

updated 2016-09-26 17:14:37 +0200

There are currently no plans for VoLTE support according to @james: https://twitter.com/thamlx/status/775700622561644544

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"no plans" to support it and "no plans to be announced" leaves it a little open to interpretation. They may have plans to support this feature - but not to be announced yet as it may be too far down the road, or priorities may likely change.

coley ( 2016-09-26 16:23:19 +0200 )edit

I never said "never". ;-) Those are my last information and I wanted to share it.

Armadillo ( 2016-09-26 21:17:07 +0200 )edit

Also the official Jolla twitter account mentions:

We have no plans to add VoLTE to Sailfish OS yet.

Source: https://twitter.com/JollaHQ/status/814411736916828160

Alex ( 2017-02-03 12:20:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-10-22 22:46:33 +0200

DC gravatar image

Seeing https://mobile.twitter.com/JollaHQ/status/779277308460949504 I don't hope to get VoLte support to my aquafish. Now I can allow myself to get disappointed. I hope disappointment is not bad, it keep desperation in limits.

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Asked: 2014-12-25 13:57:07 +0200

Seen: 7,973 times

Last updated: Dec 28 '18