booster [silica-qt5]
Hello I received my Jolla last week and so far I am so happy with it. I have the habit of turning my phone into airplane mode during the night. So the first night I closed all the apps (cards) and set the phone to airplane mode and slept, during the night it lost 2% of the battery. The second night things went the same. Yesterday I noticed a battery drop of 10% in the battery during the night and today 8%. I checked several times using Crest what is using the CPU and found booster [silica-qt5] to be using the CPU mostly, sometimes reaching 27%. So what is booster [silica-qt5] as I'm not very experienced in Linux? What makes it consume that much CPU? Anyone else experiencing the same issue? Note: I installed the app Friends the night I noticed the big drop but I don't think it is related to the issue
Leszek was bit modest now as he created more detailed answer about the subject to another post =>
Check it out for additional details and information.
Kari ( 2014-12-30 22:15:46 +0200 )edit