2014-12-26 13:51:39 +0200
Boosteris a part of mapperlauncherd which is basically an app launcher that preloads libraries of applications so they can start faster. You can see this github repo of mapperlauncherd with more information on it:
Lipstick is the graphical user interface a.k.a. the home screen a.k.a. the desktop of SailfishOS. (The one showing all running apps and a list of applications). It is connected to many system components. So I would not kill it if I were you :)
jolla-messages -prestart is the messages app preloaded in the background basically.
Is there any way to read descriptions of all processes running on my Jolla?
I don't think that is possible. You can try to find a manpage on them or search the internet for them.
The high cpu usage of booster is unusual. Normally it should not be that high or if it is (maybe directly after an upgrade) it should get to normal very soon. (depending on how many apps are installed)
Memory usage is also a little bit higher than average.
If it does not settle down. I would turn the device off. Wait for 10 minutes and turn it on again and see if it settles down after that. If it doesn't only then I would think about factory reset but would first try stoping dalvik from settings -> system -> utilities and see if that helps.
I think crest uses some sort of averaging. A few times when using firefox, I noticed that crest seemed to display very high cpu numbers for firefox. (At least when starting crest after firefox was already running.) The numbers would decrease only very slowly. But when checking the situation in FIngerterm using top, I'd see that the cpu usage was much lower than what crest displayed.
Jolly-Jo ( 2015-01-28 12:22:01 +0200 )edit