[Request] Mobile password manager
A cross platform password manager would be nice. Here's an open source initiative: https://github.com/lorenzogil/yith-library-server At this moment Yith has several client apps, mobile, web.
Could someone be tempted to create a sailfish version?
how about ownkeepass/keepass/kypass? working well on SFOS/Win/IOs (and Apps available for lots of other OSses)
rudi ( 2015-01-05 23:22:32 +0200 )editMultiplatform needs to include iOS, OSX, and Android, not to mention SFOS.
DarkTuring ( 2017-09-27 18:15:41 +0200 )editThe only useful app so far i know is pwsafe, OSX, iOS, and a fork for Android. Maybe this system can be forked into SFOS as a OS wide keychain (OSX alike keychain).
DarkTuring ( 2017-09-27 18:23:13 +0200 )edit