Image preview for cropping confirmation is not the cropped image occassionally

asked 2015-01-11 09:06:13 +0200

amandalam gravatar image

updated 2015-01-11 09:07:06 +0200

I've been using the latest system software version, (Vaarainjarvi). This happens to me from time to time:

  1. Edit an image.
  2. Crop the size by pinch-and-zooming it.
  3. Tap on the highlighted area to confirm it.
  4. User will go back to the aspect ratio selection page again; however the image shown for preview is the image in original size, rather than the cropped size.
  5. Tapping on the Accept button sometimes saves the cropped version as a new image, sometimes doesn't.

It is therefore very confusing for users who encounter this issue if the image has been cropped successfully or not.

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