Internet connection: switching from Mobile to WLAN [duplicate]
When choosing between Mobile data or WLAN internet connection, I know the phone should pick up a WLAN if it is in the WLAN saved networks, but it happened to me more than once that when I come home the connection does not switch from mobile to WLAN (at the same time other phones in the house are on WLAN, so it is not a WLAN problem). Will this be fixed?
I can switch off the mobile data connection, the phone connects than to the WLAN. As I switch on again the mobile data connection, it stays on WLAN.
In general the connection management seems very confusing to me. I have two APs at opposite ends of the house, when I move out of range of one, jolla gets stuck showing 'connecting' to the out of range one indefinitely. I have to disable wifi, enable wifi, disable out of range AP. If it's not 'connecting', just tapping on it to disable it seems to work.
And of course, disable/enable mobile data seems only way to make it hop on wifi if it's on mobile.
ShadowJK ( 2013-12-31 14:56:35 +0200 )edit