Device passcode history and expiry

asked 2015-01-14 12:11:01 +0200

w01w13 gravatar image

updated 2015-01-14 12:16:11 +0200

eric gravatar image

Currently I'm still not able to use Jolla as a work phone due the the mismatch with the provisioning settings in our Exchange server and Jolla supported provisioning settings. I activated the traces, and seems that our policy requires the following to be active

[1161] marraskuuta 26 22:39:34 [Debug] Provision : ProvisionableImpl: applying new policies from account 6

[1161] marraskuuta 26 22:39:34 [Debug] Provision : mUnsupportedRequested = false

[1161] marraskuuta 26 22:39:34 [Debug] Provision : applyPolicies: unsupported policies requested

[1161] marraskuuta 26 22:39:34 [Debug] Provision : alphanumericDevicePasswordRequired: false

[1161] marraskuuta 26 22:39:34 [Debug] Provision : minDevicePasswordComplexCharacters: 3

[1161] marraskuuta 26 22:39:34 [Debug] Provision : devicePasswordExpiration: 60

[1161] marraskuuta 26 22:39:34 [Debug] Provision : devicePasswordHistory: true

Can you please implement these settings, so I could finally start to use the Jolla, it has been waiting in the box for these settings....

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Hello, I'm also very interested in using Jolla at work. I have similar problems concerning "PasswordExpiration" and "PasswordHistory" with Exchange.
Sailfish OS

Here my log:
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] AS_LIB : Provision: server rejected client policies, return list of required properties
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : ProvisionableImpl: checking required provision policies
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : DeviceLock: using configuration file /usr/share/lipstick/devicelock/devicelock_settings.conf
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : unsupported policy requested: devicePasswordExpiration 365
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : unsupported policy requested: devicePasswordHistory true
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : ProvisionPolicyRequest: status 3
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : ProvisionPolicyRequest: devicePassword Ok
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : ProvisionPolicyRequest: alphanumericDevicePassword Ok
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : ProvisionPolicyRequest: minPasswordLength 0
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : ProvisionPolicyRequest: minPasswordComplexCharacters 0
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : ProvisionPolicyRequest: maxInactivityTimeDeviceLock 0
[1968] Apr 03 22:44:04 [Debug] Provision : ProvisionPolicyRequest: maxDevicePasswordFailedAttempts 0

fabe ( 2015-04-03 23:59:29 +0200 )edit

Still no support for these in Sailfish 2.0. It's quite sad that I still have to hang on to my iPhone as work phone just in order to have e-mails to my phone

w01w13 ( 2015-09-09 23:44:53 +0200 )edit