Using location service crashes browser on TfL Plan A Journey site [not relevant]

asked 2015-01-19 18:47:14 +0200

mdoube gravatar image

updated 2015-01-20 10:19:34 +0200

eric gravatar image gives the possibility for the user to select 'Use my location', so that it can work out an efficient route for their trip.

However, if 'Current location' is active in the From field, and the user starts entering the destination location in the To field, sometimes the browser crashes. It's not reliably reproducible, once a location has been found - almost as though if you go too fast on a freshly rebooted device, the browser can't handle an empty location value.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by Spam Hunter
close date 2020-03-25 14:24:47.377871