[together] When question is marked as duplicate, votes/followers should be moved
It can take rather long to discover duplicates, and quite a few voters of the duplicate question or idea might not realize / be asked / remember to go to the older original question to vote again.
Therefore: Would it be possible to transfer the votes of the marked-as-duplicate question to the older original question? Or is there some mechanism like that already?
as all "just upvoters" don't get informed about a closed question, it's necessary to move the upvotes to the correct question, otherwise the statistics are (up to the really very popular ones) pretty useless, as the upvotes are spread over 5-10-...? duplicates
as jolla is one of the main users of this software, and there are some upstream requests, and obviously interest and would be a great benefit in usability, i'd say jolla can't just come up with "well, lets someone else do it", as TJC is pretty messed up and the search too isn't that much of a help.
Even more important, force a link to the post it is a duplicate of.
Sometimes the person closing a post as a duplicate has the good manners to link to the original in a comment or an answer, sometimes not. But even if he does, the comment or answer may be lost in the sea of other comments. Having the link right in the yellow box that says "this is a duplicate" would be a big plus indeed.
pichlo ( 2015-01-21 23:58:42 +0200 )editI can see a problem with votes being lost in case of a question wrongly being marked as duplicate.
nthn ( 2015-01-22 01:52:25 +0200 )editYes, there's of course an issue with wrongly marked duplicates. But for that case there could be a delay after which the question cannot be re-opened again, and only after that delay the votes are transferred.
Jolly-Jo ( 2015-01-22 08:19:22 +0200 )edit