Calibrate the LED colour?
Is there any way to calibrate the LED colours? Mine are quite a bit off. White is actually pink, yellow is somewhere between yellow and green... Are they all like that or just me?
Please note that I am aware of editing the LED patterns in the MCE config file. My question is if there is a possibility to calibrate the colour at a more fundamental level, so e.g. even the CSD tool lights up white when it says white.
A bit more investigation. Sorry, should have done that first, before posting.
The colour changes very slightly depending on the viewing angle and, when looking from the top at about 45° angle, I can actually see all the component colours. It looks like the individual components are not close enough together to blend.
With good blending, the white is still a bit pink (a colleague calls it lilac) but I take it back about the yellow. It looks orange-ish when viewed head-on (about 50° hue in this chart), only going into green from certain angles.
Of course, nothing can be done about the blending but, unless @juiceme is right and there is just one bit per colour, something might be doable about the components. Which, in my case, just means toning down the red a bit.
pichlo ( 2015-01-29 15:03:42 +0200 )edit