askbot breaks browser history – double back button required [answered]
When pressing back in the browser while in askbot the page does not go back until you repeat.
As one of the commandments of web design says, please don't break browser functionality
"Back" functionality seems to be working in Firefox 26 on Windows 7 - at least, I can click on a question in the main list, then click on the "Back" button in the menu bar and I'm returned to the previous page.
It may be worth pointing out that the default field when viewing a question is the "search, ask or submit idea" text input field which will mean that the "backspace" keyboard key will have no effect until you click outside of the text input field. Could that be the problem?
Maybe some more detailed steps to reproduce would help pin down the problem.
Milhouse ( 2013-12-31 21:27:27 +0200 )edit