How can about: pages add value?

asked 2015-02-07 23:57:56 +0300

rdmo gravatar image

updated 2015-05-02 15:48:12 +0300

tldr; *about:you are useful, because you're here.

Browser address prefix about: is good to provide help and info to users.** (upvote for better help and info on Jolla's Sailfish devices.)

On about pages in the browser:

Failing as hrefattributes in HTML on Jolla browser, <a href="about:about">about</a>, will this change? The tech for about is underused and could significantly improve user experience, with addition of informative content, and little or no added code.

If this is untrue, please detail the ways so future work is clear and actionable.

Imagine about pages with embedded videos, audio, or text-to-speech configuration and implementation.

about:app[lications] about:recorded-phonemes about:clock about:calendar about:calculator about:bookmarks about:templates about:shell>><<< about:shell-heredocs about:this about:productivity about:multimedia-operations about:text-operations about:clipboard about:ipcs about:regular-expressions about:coding about:documentation about:display-scaling about:feedback about:localisation about:dbus-userguide about:d3js about:dmesg about:fingerterm about:revealjs about:together about:me about:you about:nemo about:us about:jolla about:standards about:otherness about:bash-command about:anonymous-statistics about:workflows about:xdg-open

Workflows would be an collection of URLs with tags, which users could edit like grouped bookmarks with manipulation semblant of pushd, popd and dirs, but for net and program links and their descriptions (not only directories). This may make browser context have more relevance in different activities' phases. The same could be done with page navigation session logs, so that activity histories would not only be merged into one list.

TODO Set up useful working example(s). Test a terminal-based version to define steps and allow alternative or fallback capability.

NOTE If code additions are required, consider using the form about:this#named_content to hook into local (downloaded) info pages.

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