Swipe to switch between Running Apps / App Launcher (N9 style)
asked 2014-01-01 11:43:09 +0200
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Coming from N9, I really miss swiping between running Apps and app launcher. Personally the ambiance switching is not so super important, that it must be accessible by swiping from the running apps screen.
In my opinion, the UI makes more sense the following way:
..<-> [Lock Screen] <-> [Ambiance] <->..
..<-> [Running Apps] <-> [App Launcher] <->..
This has several advantages:
- The time, signal strength and battery level is always accessed by a swipe left->right or right->left. At the moment, it is accessed by a swipe left->right / right->left only if you are in a running application. If you are on the app launcher, you need to swipe to the lock screen
- More than 9 running applications can be displayed
- Less thinking, what action to fulfil. Everything is just a swipe away
The Ambiance Switcher could be accessed through a pulley menu from both running apps and app launcher.
EDIT: Once the lock screen was pushed away, it doesn't make sense to access it again like it is implemented now. The Pulley Menu of the lock screen can be shown in the app launcher and the task switcher screens.
EDIT2: Added Ambiance to the mock up
I also thought about showing more running apps by swiping right/left but from the middle. Your solution is better in my eyes. I even don't mind if I can change ambience from the lock screen only. How often does that happen?
hardcodes.de ( 2014-01-01 18:33:13 +0200 )editI had to remove all ambience favorites to get rid of that ambience change screen. As also an ex-N9 user, i was swiping that screen open once a while...
kimmoli ( 2014-01-01 22:37:38 +0200 )editno ambience in pulley nenu is no go. some thirdparty apps already has to many menu items in pulleymenu and add yet one more would be even worse
mike7b4 ( 2014-01-01 23:31:57 +0200 )editWhat is so important about ambiance so it's now occupying the left/right swipes from both home screen and lock screens? I don't get it. I wouldn't mind to drop ambiance at all. Seems like a feature targeted at teenagers.
Overall swipe usage and current screens layout definitely need a revision.
lomo ( 2014-01-01 23:41:21 +0200 )edittotally agree with you. the way it's implemented in Harmattan is the best, no doubts. Jolla should continue this way unless Nokia has some patent restriction.
DanyZ ( 2014-01-02 00:06:29 +0200 )edit