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SIM Application Toolkit (STK) applications do not work properly

asked 2015-02-16 16:57:03 +0200

ticky gravatar image

updated 2015-02-22 14:37:35 +0200

Edit 2015-02-22: Changed the question title to indicate that this is a general problem with STK apps, as the received comments confirm that this bug is not limited to Norwegian BankID, but also impacts Estonian Mobile ID and Swiss Postfinance. Also updated the version, as I've confirmed that the bug is still there as of SailfishOS version

I cannot sign transactions using the Norwegian BankID SIM Toolkit app. Whenever I do something in my online bank that requires signing (such as adding or changing a scheduled outgoing payment), I get (as expected) a pop-up on my phone saying (in Norwegian): «Confirm BankID signing with MyBankNameHere». Dragging down reveals a pulley menu with only one option: "OK". However, when I select this, the screen goes black. The screen doesn't turn off, I can still see that the backlight is on, but it only shows completely black. I have no way of entering the PIN code, or to see the text I'm about to sign. After a while, presumably after some timeout occurred, the home screen shows up, but there's no trace of the BankID app at this point.

While the screen is black I can swipe from the side to go back to the home screen. At this point I can see a running app called Talkmore (name of my mobile provider) with a SIM card icon. However nothing happens when I tap it. After a while the box for the "Talkmore" STK app disappears, presumably because of the same timeout that gets rid of the black screen if I don't go back to the home screen.

Note that identification (i.e., during login) with BankID works just fine, in that case when I select OK from the pulley menu, I get shown a keypad where I can input my PIN. If I do so correctly, I get successfully logged in to my online bank. So this issue appears to be specific to signing using BankID.

For what it's worth, on Android, signing includes one additional step compared with identification. The two processes are as follows:

Identification: 1) Popup: "Confirm secret reference "FOO BAR" [Press OK]; 2) PIN [Press OK]; 3) Done Signing: 1) Popup "Confirm BankID signing [Press OK]; 2) New popup: "Text to sign" [Press OK]; 3) Input PIN [Press OK]; 4) Done

So I guess the Jolla has some problems displaying the second popup in the signing process.

I'm using Sailfish version

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It is not quite clear in your issue description what is this STK app that you talk about: is a native #SailfishOS app, an AlienDalvik app or a web-app that you use in Jolla stock browser? If the last, then I can confirm that the Jolla browser does not work very will with some banking web services in Finland either, cause they present content and require confirmations of actions in pop-up windows (that the browser either don't display at all or the pop-up windows are located partly off-screen and/or they cannot be resized nor clicked.

foss4ever ( 2015-02-16 20:08:16 +0200 )edit

If this is a browser issue please add the info in the title and add an appropriate tag to the Q.

foss4ever ( 2015-02-16 20:13:21 +0200 )edit

No, it's not a native Sailfish app, it's a SIM Toolkit application. This is a very simple application which is located on the SIM card itself. See the Wikipedia page. It's supposed to work on all mobile platforms.

Whenever I log in to my bank or attempt to sign some transaction, a message is sent to my phone wich causes it to pop up a message (i.e. "Validate login attempt to bank FooBank" or "Validate payment of NOK 50,- to account 1234") and then asks for my PIN. If I input the PIN a message gets sent back to the bank, the entire transaction succeeds and the login/payment/whatever proceeds in the web browser. This doesn't have to be the web browser on the phone, it can be any browser on any device.

ticky ( 2015-02-16 20:43:31 +0200 )edit

I swear to god I read "Singing with Norwegian Band"

lispy ( 2015-02-17 09:55:26 +0200 )edit

Raiffeisenbank, confirm blank screen issue after notification bank sms arrieve - there should be bank-pin verification page

workarround: with enabled swipe from top close app, and open sim toolkit app from menu and find last incomming message, pin verification works and message is displayed normaly

pan tau ( 2015-04-09 11:37:26 +0200 )edit

6 Answers

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answered 2015-02-17 09:11:20 +0200

thwint gravatar image

I have the same issue for Postfinance in Switzerland. In my case the screen goes before I can confirm with OK.

But for me I have found a workaround: Swipe down on the black screen as if you want to close the app.

In my case the black screen disappears and I can use the pulley menu to confirm with OK. Then I am asked to enter the PIN for my SIM card key.

I hope this helps

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The same problem with Estonian Mobile ID (SIM.Toolkit is the mentioned software)

salarelv ( 2015-02-17 15:02:53 +0200 )edit

Hi, thanks for the suggestion but I'm afraid it doesn't work for me. If I swipe down when on the black screen, I am returned to the home screen. The BankID app is there, minimised, but it quickly vanishes by itself. If instead I pull down when on the black screen, nothing happens.

After doing extensive testing I've noticed that very occasionally, I will get to see the text to sign (where I normally get the black screen). However if I select OK from the pulley meny to proceed, the PIN input screen was now black. The on-screen keypad does appear, so I can input my PIN and press proceed but that doesn't actually do anything (at least, the signing process doesn't finish in my laptop's web browser).

ticky ( 2015-02-18 19:44:39 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-09-16 17:27:48 +0200

tore gravatar image

Unfortunately, it appears this bug has regressed in SailfishOS Since upgrading, BankID behaves much like it did before SailfishOS 1.1.4; either the popup fails to show up at all, or I am presented with a blank screen at some point in the signing process. Signing appears to be more problematic than authentication - if the popup appears in the first place, I am usually able to complete the login procedure.

I am sometimes able to work around the blank screen problem by swiping from the side to go to the home screen, and then re-opening the STK app. At that point the next step in the signing procedure is correctly displayed, and I can complete it.

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answered 2015-11-05 08:17:32 +0200

tore gravatar image

This issue remains problematic in SailfishOS Saimaa. I'm using Norwegian BankID. Most of the time, during the BankID signing/authentication process, after having completed one step of the process (e.g., entering a PIN code or acknowledging some message), a blank screen is shown instead of the next step. (By «blank», I mean there is no text or any other "active" content shown - the screen is still on and the background colour of the ambiance is shown.)

That said, I am able to fairly reliably work around the problem. When the blank screen occurs, I perform an edge swipe from the side, taking me back to Home. I can here see the STK app running minimised. I then tap the minimised STK app. When it maximises again, the next step of the process is usually displayed properly, allowing me to continue. If the BankID process I'm performing has multiple steps, I might have to employ this workaround for each of them in order to succeed.

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I can confirm the same behaviour with and Raiffeisen bank Czech (www.rb.cz). After receiving the banking SMS, the SIM toolkit application opens with a blank screen (i.e. the background from the current ambience) and no handles whatsoever. The workaround is the same - edge swipe to the home screen, tap to the minimized SIM toolkit app, and _usually_ it is then displayed correctly. However, on one occasion (so far), it did not help - I had to close the app from the home screen and start it again from the list of applications (the bottom edge swipe). It then opened correctly.

I can also confirm that the workaround is needed for all the banking messages, not only the authentication one, but also for the payment authorization one.

Yenya ( 2015-11-12 09:48:05 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-04-29 13:13:28 +0200

tore gravatar image

This appears fixed for me in SailfishOS 1.1.4 (Norwegian BankID).

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yes, fixed 1.1.4

pan tau ( 2015-04-29 17:38:31 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-09-17 11:46:06 +0200

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updated 2015-09-17 11:46:06 +0200

totor gravatar image

Same issue for services over Orange Network which require the use of the STK for authentication. Howevre it has worked after phone restart, then android stop (from android menu of the settings) then android stop functions inton the utilities menu , then Android restart function into android setting menu.

Seems quiet strange to me, I initially thought that the android stop and start in utilities menu and in android setting menu were duplicate functions: it seems not. Is someone able to explain?

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answered 2016-08-01 12:07:03 +0200

Andrej gravatar image

Same problem with Lithuanian bank ID in version Aurajoki and

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Asked: 2015-02-16 16:57:03 +0200

Seen: 5,816 times

Last updated: Aug 01 '16