Jolla QML API is missing Particles etc. [answered]
In the official Harbour FAQ, it is said that "QtQuick.Particles 2.0" import is allowed. But when I try to deploy my application binaries with SailfishOS IDE on my Jolla, when a QML element importing particles is loaded, the application error stream in the IDE says:
unknown:111 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/PageStack.js:111: Error: Error while loading page: file:///opt/sdk/saildoku/usr/share/saildoku/qml/pages/GameView.qml:58 Type BackgroundAnim unavailable file:///opt/sdk/saildoku/usr/share/saildoku/qml/pages/BackgroundAnim.qml:2 module "QtQuick.Particles" is not installed
And indeed, I went looking in my Jolla filesystem and what a surprise when I saw this:
$ ls usr/lib/qt5/qml/QtQuick/ LocalStorage/ Window.2/ XmlListModel/ $ ls usr/lib/qt5/qml/QtQuick.2/ plugins.qmltypes qmldir
Maybe I did not understand something, but I couldn't manage to find the Particles import in my filesystem, even if the FAQ says this import is allowed :( Finally, notice that on Mer SDK my application runs fine (and I find indeed the Particles.2 folder in QtQuick...). But not on the Jolla...
So my question is: What have I not understood in the Harbour FAQ that would explain such a behavior? How to know, if the emulator does not properly simulate the Jolla, if the application will be rejected by Jolla Harbour? :(