Browser needs a drag gesture
Currently there's no way (that I can figure out) to perform a dragging motion in the Jolla browser, although it is needed on a number of pages.
This can be tested at
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Currently there's no way (that I can figure out) to perform a dragging motion in the Jolla browser, although it is needed on a number of pages.
This can be tested at
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Asked: 2013-12-25 00:52:47 +0200
Seen: 551 times
Last updated: Dec 25 '13
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Tried this on chrome/android (nexus7), didn't work too.
Orologiaio ( 2013-12-25 02:57:13 +0200 )editWhat about resurrecting the "cursor mode" that was in Microb on the N900 ? :) Worked just fine for stuff like this.
MartinK ( 2013-12-25 17:43:17 +0200 )editDoesn't work on ios7 either, but would be great if it worked in SailfishOS
Mohjive ( 2014-01-02 00:48:18 +0200 )editCursor-Mode might be tricky with no keyboard, but dragging would be great. Maybe using two fingers? I would also promote more additional gestures:
Jan Wellmann ( 2014-01-08 23:42:02 +0200 )editNot included in either. Really appreciated if this would be included.
JSEHV ( 2016-02-01 16:55:30 +0200 )edit